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  • citizenzen
    Mar 15, 01:31 PM
    I'm all for cutting the military budget but drastic cuts will hurt more than help.

    Source please.

    Emotional appeals on their own mean nothing.

    When did we stop doing sane things in this country?

    I'm wondering when we will start. ;)

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  • Lepton
    Jul 23, 06:57 AM
    i think i would rather read a paperback
    wouldnt the screen strain the eyes?
    Good point, one key to a good book reader is a high pixel density. Of course, that would be great for viewing video, as well..

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 3, 02:13 PM (

    As WWDC approaches, a number of images (mostly fake) and last minute speculation continue to emerge. The most notable tidbits:

    - Robert Scoble ( claims that Apple is "readying a dizzying amount of new products" reportedly based on inside information. (previous claim (

    - A WWDC Banner photo ( (mirror ( has been revealed, showing off the usual development icons. No clear new announcements have been revealed, but Apple is prominently displaying the "64-bit" emblem.

    - It appears that Apple will be distributing a Leopard Preview build to developers at WWDC. Apple has already posted ( some sample code with the Build Requirement: "Leopard Preview".

    - More iPhone images ( and movies ( (both likely fake).

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  • Lau
    Sep 12, 01:50 PM
    I like them, but I prefer the look of the old ones. The non-cosmetic upgrades are great though, and I'd be more inclined to buy a new one just because of that. That is, unless I can find a cheap one someone's flogging in the Marketplace...:D

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  • starlabs
    Oct 26, 11:01 PM
    Is that possible? You're booting from an external and applying the firmware update to your mac right?

    Yes... I had bought a 160gb drive to replace the 60gb that my MacBook came with. After installing the new drive, I put the old 60gb into an external USB SATA enclosure. However, since I was about to meet a tech at the local genius bar, I swapped out my upgrades (the 160gb HD and 2gb RAM) to the hardware my MacBook originally came with (60gb and 512mb RAM).

    Long story short, I booted up my external HD - now running my 160gb HD - and installed the firmware update to that drive. Note that keeping the option key down upon reboot after installing from the firmware pkg won't work. You install the pkg, have it reboot, and let it run (you'll see a progress bar). Once the progress bar finishes, your MacBook will reboot again. At this point, keep down the option key to boot from the external drive.

    BTW I've been running my MacBook at full tilt (using the random shutdown test tool) for > 30-40 minutes and not a shutdown in sight. I've also put my MacBook to sleep and it awakens fine. Looks like this update has fixed the random shutdown issue for me. One word: AWESOME! :D

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  • kdarling
    Nov 3, 03:15 PM
    On a full sized computer? That's horrible. Adobe has to get their act together and make flash more efficient before they can be allowed on the iphone. :rolleyes:

    Well, yes. That's a point that's been repeated, and replied to, ad nauseum.

    One more time:

    Remaking Flash 10 for more efficient mobile use is exactly what Adobe is trying to do, with the help of ARM designers.

    If it runs well, full Flash could become popular on mobiles* as a universal application development and delivery platform. If it doesn't run well, it'll have to wait until cpus get faster.

    * With the probable early exception of the iPhone.

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  • Gixxerguyk6
    May 4, 11:16 PM
    Are you kidding? Netflix destroyed it with streaming. Disney and Sony aren't even advertising for it anymore. The Blu Ray players are being sold dirt cheap at clearance sales because it's a dying/dead format.

    And I never liked it anyway, the 25 GB disc wasn't filled all the way because of the stupidly lossy compression, and it was expensive.

    Maybe, but up here in Canada we have to pay through the roof for bandwidth so Netflix is kind of lame. I don't think all the players are being sold that cheap there are just more companies making cheap ones for the masses. I personally like Blu Ray for the quality that Netflix can't offer.

    However, I could be wrong does Netflix deliver 1080P?

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 1, 11:58 PM
    The current camera on the iPhone 4 is stellar IMO and many others... an equal 8MP camera would be even better....

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  • lostngone
    Apr 2, 01:29 PM
    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?

    Not on mobile devices...

    I would not feel so strongly about this if Adobe could write a stable, fast, less vulnerable version of flash for the Mac.

    However as of today Adobe has shown they could give a rats ass about Apple and Flash is proof. It is buggy, it crashes a lot, even with hardware acceleration it is still a cpu hog and it seems every time I turn around another security exploit has been found.

    Apple please keep Flash off of your iOS products and keep moving forward with html5.

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  • krazzix
    Jun 25, 04:05 AM
    Not very likely,

    I think it's going to be a new apple TV running iOS4 which can be controlled from your ipad/iphone :)

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  • nemaslov
    Nov 27, 12:38 PM
    Sometime I wonder if people actually use the products they talk about here.

    The Rolling Stones have been in the iTunes music store for over a year. The currently have over 59 albums there and a new ep was released, I'm Free, just a couple of weeks ago.

    Frank Zappa was on iTunes last summer and has since been removed. It was basically the albums that RYKODisc had re-mastered and released. There appears to be something going on with the Zappa Family Trust and RYKODisc over the rights.

    Led Zepplin has never appeared on iTunes. However, Radio Head was on for a short time, but everyone who like Radio Head has already bought their one good album, The Bends.

    Actually I think KID A is one of the best albums of all time and I am a first gen Beatles Fan. KID A is so original and not like much else out there...especially when it was first released. Kind of like when Revolver or Pepper was first released. Now so many other records have repeated that that British "cover" band.... OASIS!

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  • bigjnyc
    Mar 11, 04:14 PM
    Please delete this hoax of an entry from the Page 2 Rumors. Every second it's up there serves to discredit MacRumors. Seriously.

    Is it possible to discredit a rumors site?

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  • croy
    Mar 11, 05:12 PM
    Oh whatever, I am buying a MBP by the end of this month when I have the cash ready. I could care less if it is the latest one out or not. I am sure that whatever I buy will suit my needs for years to come.

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  • Peace
    Sep 5, 11:07 AM
    Sorry for the cross-post

    It's Showtime

    Members of the media received email invitations this morning for a special event on Sept. 12 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in San Francisco

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  • fstlambo
    Mar 14, 11:22 AM
    yeah larger HD sizes would be nice...although I barely use 40 GB right now

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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 04:53 PM
    They are, and we have relatively little gun crime.

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  • MacinDoc
    Oct 26, 06:00 PM
    After applying the update, it seems like it's running cooler. I'm getting 53-54C now, when normally it's 58-59.
    I applied the firmware w/o issue... Looks to be running well and my temps are staying more even as I continue to use it.

    43.2 C right now
    So, it looks like Apple is trying to fix the problem by keeping the MacBook cooler, thus preventing the heat sink from expanding enough to come into contact with the cable. A simple, elegant solution, except it will likely cause increased fan use and decreased battery life, but these are minor inconveniences compared to random shutdown.

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  • Enigmac
    Aug 3, 10:09 PM
    Man, August 7th can't come soon enough! :D

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  • kcmac
    Aug 2, 09:41 PM
    Good lord people. Watch the video for crying out loud. Why would you stick a usb or firewire or whatever kind of card like this is into a MacBook? It already comes with a card for free right inside!

    Now, what would have been more impressive, is if this guy would have attacked the MacBook straight up as ALL PEOPLE USING A MACBOOK WOULD BE USING IT.

    Criminy. Is the world really this hung up on trying to blast a hole into Apple's products?

    This guy is just sour that he ain't in Vegas.

    Nov 24, 12:42 PM
    It's not every Beatles song and they only have the publishing rights.
    The publishing rights are what was being discussed and it's every song in the Beatles catalog. There are other songs by the Beatles and the individual artists which are not part of the catalog being discussed. I wasn't referring to those, or the mechanical rights.

    Mar 21, 03:47 PM
    A Phat iPod Touch sounds like a great product to me. Integrate an iPad touch with limited flash storage and a iPad Hard Drive. Call it the Phat iPod Touch..:eek:

    Hard drives would not be good AT ALL for an iPod Touch. Apps depend on the instant access that flash memory allows for using data, so a hard drive would slow the whole process up, especially on the processor size. Plus, moving objects are exactly why they moved to flash: too fragile and much easier to destroy. Nope, the hard drive based music player has seen its day in the sun and is now going off into the distance. It has a good run, but like the floppy before it (didn't flash memory also kill that too?), its just not good enough for today.

    Nov 8, 08:14 AM
    I suspected it would be extremely soon, that's why I didn't bother doubling up and getting the previous �899 model out on display as well as the �749.

    Anyway, the 1GB of RAM was expected as far as I was concerned, but I didn't expect the BlackBook to jump straight up to 120GB in one shot.

    So, base to mid we have faster cpu with better L2 cache, bigger hard drive and DVD burning now. Easier to persuade people to go higher than previously.

    Sep 13, 02:53 PM
    Sorry but my desk is a right state today and I'm not going to embarrass myself by showing it to the web. However, you'll be glad to hear that it came with two "nano" Apple stickers :)

    Mar 19, 12:37 PM
    Especially when iPods first hit the scene, price was a big issue for a lot of customers. Apple products have always been on the pricey side. So perhaps the popularity of the larger capacity iPods was impacted by the pricing structure, which impacted Apple's perception of the demand.

    It's getting kindof absurd seeing that hard drives keep getting bigger and cheaper. Would an iPod Touch really be that much thicker if it had 128 GB? And just how thick would (dare I say it) a 500 GB iPod Touch be? For the way I would use the device, I wouldn't mind a little extra thickness and weight.

    I suppose Apple needs to keep some features in their back pocket for future releases. What if the day comes they create the perfect iPod? What then? ; )

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