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  • skellener
    Sep 12, 02:15 PM
    Another thing that will NEVER happen is an Apple DVR. iTV is for use with iTunes downloadable content. Apple will never release a recording device. It's not their model. They would rather you ditch your satellite and cable and go with getting your shows from iTunes - hence the iTV.

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  • exabytes18
    Nov 7, 12:05 AM
    There are many possibilities for the graphics of the Macbook. The GMA950 is at about the end of the road. Maybe we'll see Intel's X3000. If not, one of Nvidia's or ATi's integrated solutions would be nice.

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  • bobsentell
    May 5, 07:59 AM
    Anything that removes iTunes from the equation is a win....

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  • weiss
    Nov 8, 07:51 AM
    Simple answer:

    No. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next month. Next year.

    i doubt it, arnt apples sales of desktops down? and notebooks up?

    the macbook will be revised after the macmini



    New MBs only at the next Macworld 2007

    No way. Probably not until 1st quarter 2007 (fiscal).

    Ahhhh... feels good to read these pearls right now, doesn't it? We've got so many prophets here in MacRumors :D

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  • matthewHUB
    Aug 3, 05:15 PM
    Guys... has it occurred to anybody that the ichat phone is the biggest joke???

    Why on earth would the iSight be on the back?? So when you talk to someone you can't see them?and the microphone is on the front???? WTF?


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  • jacollins
    Mar 22, 11:33 AM
    What the hell kind of relationship do you people have with your spouses?? I mean, seriously??! You need their explicit PERMISSION to buy something you want, with your money, and it gets to their point of people BEGGING their wives to let them buy something, only to be turned down?!

    Welcome to the state of marriage these days. Thanks to the laws, they can usually take at least half, and maybe more in divorce... Is an iPad 2 going to directly cause that? Doubtful, but it could be one more straw so to speak...

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  • Chrispy
    Nov 8, 09:18 AM
    Apple store in Indy has them in stock today :)

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  • SpaceMagic
    Aug 24, 01:25 PM
    Mine IS affected but the site is down! So annoying!

    Kinda happy though, my battery isn't going that strong anymore.. coconutbattery reports 85%

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  • JAT
    May 5, 03:38 PM
    Here's my guess as to how it will work based on how simple Apple likes to make things for the end user:

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  • madina
    Jun 29, 07:11 PM
    I'm guessing the screen will be tilt-able?

    As an illustrator I would expect a stylus for more precision work including drawing.

    It will be a thousand times more powerful than an iPad running full OSX and run all the applications required for developing software that runs on the consumer only iPad.

    Not sure why so many people are against it.

    My only other requirement is a windscreen wiper to clean my grubby finger marks.:D

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  • hachre
    Jun 24, 07:30 PM
    I don't think it necessarily has to be touch-enabled, or come in form of any type of hardware.

    I am using a lot of apps on my iPhone by now that I really miss on my MacBook... Sometimes I would really like to start one of these iOS Apps in Mac OS to check something quickly...

    They should make some kind of iTunes-integrated Simulator that allows you to start your iOS Apps directly from your Apps section within iTunes or something...

    That would be really nice ;)

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  • emotion
    Nov 8, 09:34 AM
    I have a 12" PowerBook and when I saw the new 13" MacBook, there is no comparison, Why are people waiting for a 12" ? Have you even seen the 13"?

    yeah it has the appeal of an ibook. not a powerbook :)

    it's a widescreen unlike the PB12... keep waiting, but it is not going to happen.

    Says you. I think a small MBP is on the cards. I would, however, buy a 13.3" WS based machine but with a smaller bezel around the screen than the MB.

    Anyhow, I have been waiting awhile for this upgrade, the store has been offline forever!!! Hurry apple.. My wallet is itching for one in black!!!

    Yeah I'm almost tempted, but only by black.

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  • robe
    Sep 12, 03:46 PM
    I'm getting the same unknown '0x666D743F' error; rebooting and uninstalling/reinstalling itunes doesn't help.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

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  • innominato5090
    Oct 11, 04:31 PM
    No more PowerBook. Love the new Mac Mini, I would put in an SSD, but they're still too expensive, and I really don't need one. Its extremely quiet anyway.

    Stock Mac Mini 2.4ghz + 4gb of RAM (Crucial off Newegg)
    20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)
    Bose Companion 2 speakers
    64gb iPad WiFi
    160gb iPod Classic

    niiiice ^^

    what about mounting the cinema display on the wall and put the mac mini under it?

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  • cooknwitha
    Sep 12, 01:50 PM
    The two new viewing options are great! It's looks fantastic and makes me glad I've been keeping my cover-art up-to-date!

    Right well, enough farting about.... back to work.

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  • sysiphus
    Oct 21, 12:38 AM
    I nominate the above post to win the "most-retarded-comment-award"

    The last part doesn't make any sense, but the poster IS right that "ultimate" usage of an Apple product for calculator usage is hardly the iPad--rather, MATLAB or Mathematica on OS X. Actually, for that matter, the Grapher app in OS X is remarkably good, too.

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  • kristiano
    Nov 8, 08:23 AM
    It would be really disappointing if they waited with this upgrade for mwsf 2007.

    I don't think we'll see a new MB at MWSF 2007. Possibly a bit later than that in time for the Leopard release.

    But then again we never know.

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  • macsrockmysocks
    Jul 22, 11:39 PM
    I would really rather have a paperback or hard cover book to read than look at a bright light to read. I can see maybe lyrics for songs, but books-no.

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  • RichardI
    Nov 24, 10:54 AM
    I'm curious. Anybody know where all that money goes? How much does Apple (the computer company) get vs. music companies vs. the two remaining Beatles? I heard that Michael Jackson owned the rights to a lot of Beatles songs - and now he's gone too. Any place this can be looked at?

    Rich :cool:

    Nov 8, 08:06 AM
    anyone know when they will be available in the apple stores?

    6-0 Prolene
    Mar 14, 08:15 AM
    It's a bit of a cross post, but in the "Waiting for Arrandale" thread a member mentioned going to their local Apple store to buy a MBP and the sales associate mentioned that there was a big box in back and apparently some new SKUs popped up in the system. Thought you might want to know...

    So I got sick of waiting on Apple to update the MBP, so I headed down to Delaware to pick one up. While I was there, one of the sales people told me that there was some box in the back, and she really thinks it is the updated ones. She also said about some new SKUs that she saw.

    I'm not sure if she knows what she is talking about, but she said she bought a MBP about a month or two ago and is sad she didn't wait because she didn't know they were updating.

    It seemed pretty promising, so I figured I'd pass it along.

    I have 14 days to return this one and exchange it for a new one if that does happen Tuesday :)

    Oct 18, 02:46 PM
    Books are expensive these days. How much would e-books go for?
    If audiobooks are any indication, don't expect to save any money by saving trees. :p


    Mar 10, 08:23 PM
    Had some Mallory today!

    Yea.. I'm in love.. :o

    Mine for today.. You likes? Yay or nay? :) (

    Oct 26, 06:14 PM
    My old roommate's macbook started shutting down randomly last night. She is not pleased to say the least. Quality control... it is a beautiful thing... something Apple should give a try sometime haha!

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