lady gaga album cover born this way

lady gaga album cover born this way. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • suneohair
    Sep 6, 09:32 AM
    we don't know that yet.

    The ATI X1600 in the "old" iMac is a mobile chip. And an UNDERCLOCKED one.

    Damn it, I wanted a Conroe iMac... I wonder how different they are from the Merom performance wise?

    BTW, Vesa mount is back with the 24" model.

    It's pretty clear why the added the Firewire 800 port ot the iMac: Time Machine requires an external hard drive. And it would be best if it was a pretty darn fast one, as well.

    Let me give you a lesson on how CPUs are made.

    Intel makes some dies. Then they go through a process called "binning". In this process the dies to test for maximum performance at a certain voltage.

    Mobile C2D chips are Conroes that are binned to do the same speed at a lower voltage. So the performance is not going to be immensely different.

    Depending on how you look at it, the Mobile chips are actually the cream of the crop.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Jetson
    Oct 15, 07:55 PM
    One thing I really hate about this Zune thing is the amount of free publicity Microsoft has gotten.

    For months on end we've been bombarded with Zune-friendly "news" articles calling it an "iPod killer". Even before Microsoft had a name for it, before they had any sort of design for it, while it was still vaporware, the media kept hammering home, "iPod killer" while seeming to drool over the prospect.

    There's STILL no actual product on the store shelves.

    It's disgusting, really.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 7, 05:13 PM
    However, I can't agree that the Bible is "neutral" or relative in that it can correctly be interpreted in any way someone chooses. The Bible is clear in it's express purpose as God's revelation of himself to mankind. The Bible is judged and interpreted against itself using the literary and textual tools of interpretation that we have available to us.

    Of course not any interpretation is valid; however, the Bible is very complex and contradicts itself in places. There is no set interpretation that can said to be right, rather a spectrum that can be justified. "Clear" is not a word I would use.

    Like all communication it can only be correctly interpreted in light of the intended meaning of it's original author. This is where faith comes into the process. Followers of Christ hold to the belief that it is God's inspired and inerrant word. The living God is it's author and he inspired men to write within their own historical and literary context to specific audiences at a specific time. All of these contexts become clues that help guide us to His intended meaning.

    This is obviously where we part ways. For me the Bible is the product of man. Nothing more.

    God's word calls us to "love one another" and to be servant leaders in bearing one another's burdens. Westboro seeks to judge, spread hate, and cause dissension. Sure they quote scripture and hide behind an illusion of faith, but they take verses out of context and aren't living out God's commands.

    However, you are still using one interpretation that you have chosen. There is no way to know if you are right. I agree that WBC are at the extreme end, but the overall message of the Bible doesn't seem to be clear. Just look at the issue of homosexuality- many "normal" (you know what I mean!) Christians find homosexuality difficult to justify, whilst others have no issue with it. The Bible states many times how "wrong" homosexuality is but other passages suggest otherwise. Both interpretations seem to be possible without stretching the facts.

    So whilst it may be possible to say the WBC aren't living out God's commands, it's not possible to say whether the Christian that is uncomfortable homosexuals is living out God's commands or not. I would hope God would have no issue with homosexuality, but that hope is based upon an extrinsic sense of morality.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Album review by a fan: Born
  • Album review by a fan: Born

  • aafuss1
    Aug 8, 06:49 AM
    Anyone who is a AASP or has a Service Source account would have Service Source access to a restricted area, , the service manual is available-macpro.pdf.

    It is 28MB.

    Training- (anyone who is a AASP or has a Service Source account would have Service Source access, so they can use this link).
    There's a RSS feed there now-giving a list and details of manuals that have been revised-a bit like what Sony ESI's manuals have-a revision history page.
    Developer note-public:
    The computer comes with Mac OS X version 10.4.7 installed.
    ADC site redesigned too.
    The value of the computer model machine identifier string is MacPro1,1.

    Notes from the service manual for those who have access to it:
    On page 65, there is a procedure for removing the Xeons-as a photo on page 66 indicates, these are socketed dual 771 pin LGA sockets. That means it is possible to change the processor yourself, but Apple obviously won't support 3rd-party swaps.

    As, I expected-multiple PCI-E slots, so you can a multi display set up-up to 8. NVIDIA and ATI
    RAM-is on a riser card (p19)
    Power Supply-is at the top (p 26), cables- custom, 4 cables, unlike with many other Core 2's which have a single ATX cable. Connector-is it still F-Type or back to 3 pin, kettle style?
    SuperDrive-which model?, procedure-p 14
    BT-separate, as is AirPort-the card looks the iMac's card (p 44/47)
    Antenna-on the bottom-covered by a plastic cover (procedure-p 96)

    Mac OS X Server-is now universal:
    Using Mac OS X Server on Mac Pro
    Mac OS X Server can run on Mac Pro as a supported configuration; in fact, it is available through the Apple Store as a Configure-to-Order option. Mac Pro is the first Intel-based Mac to support Apple's server software. Mac Pro uses the Universal (v. 10.4.7) version of Mac OS X Server.

    Mac OS X Server v10.4.7 (Universal) supports installation onto any Macintosh server or desktop computer with an Intel or PowerPC G4 or G5 processor. Mac OS X Server v10.4.7 (Universal) is available through the Apple Store as a Configure-to-Order option for Mac Pro.

    This release of Mac OS X Server v10.4 continues to support upgrades from Mac OS X Server v10.2 and Mac OS X Server v10.3. Upgrades from Mac OS X Server v10.4 (PowerPC) to Mac OS X Server v10.4 (Universal) are not supported.

    Improvements in Mac OS X Server v10.4.7 (Universal) include:

    Improved performance (AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS, Java JVM).

    VNC support is enabled by default when installing Mac OS X Server for remote installation and setup from non-Mac OS X systems.

    64-bit MySQL.

    Xcode 2.4 with support for developing 64-bit applications for Intel processors.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady GaGa - Born This Way
  • Lady GaGa - Born This Way

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Sep 4, 09:38 AM
    I'm a student about to go to uni and have worked ALL summer holidays to save up for an imac, and now i hear they will be updating it! I'm still within my 14 day 'no questions asked' return period, but i will be out of that period on 12th september which its supposed to be released.

    I was just wondering if anyone had past experiences with apple when going from PPC to intel- is there a 30-day period or something where if you brought a PPC imac, they would exchange it to the intel based imac as a good-will gesture.If they do then fantasti- no need for me to send it back and wait to see if the rumour comes true (and leave myself without a computer in the meantime)

    I'm studing computer science and am a heavy user, so ANY speed increases are very welcome. bring on the coore 2 duos! I was a PC user since beginning of time (thats all my parents brough lol) but now ive gone to mac and osx, theres no looking back.

    any help would be really appreciated.

    Don't you have to pay a restocking fee, even if you're within the 14-day return period?

    lady gaga album cover born this way. OMGaga, Glee covers #39;Born This
  • OMGaga, Glee covers #39;Born This

  • stroked
    Apr 26, 11:38 AM
    My experience supports food stamps being wasted as well. While I have never seen or heard of people selling them, I did work in a grocery store as a cashier for a while and consistently saw people use food stamps to purchase food items which were overpriced, low value, not on sale, or otherwise terrible "value for money" purchases. Fancy fruit drinks or other things which are a complete waste of money when you have a limited budget for food were incredibly common.

    Not to mention how often people would pay for some ridiculously overpriced luxury food items with food stamps and then pay cash for things like cigaretts or the rag magazines or other things which are equally unnecessary, and completely, 100% luxury items and not in the slightest bit a need.

    Considering this was the overwhelming majority of customers, I am so thankful to the woman who came and purchased a ton of items, all on sale, with coupons on food stamps. She probably got 10x or 20x the "food value" from those food stamps as compared with the overwhelming majority of people using them. But seeing that one person take advantage of food stamps in a meaningful way was absolutely amazing because it means that the entire program is not a waste.

    Now, obviously this is just my personal experience. It is possible the store I worked at had a disproportionate number of people who would squander their food stamps. I hope this is the case. But I am relatively skeptical the majority of food stamp purchasers are like the woman I described but rather like the majority I encountered.

    My neighbor, who is a manager at a Kroger (a grocery store) has told me the same thing.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. We all know that Lady GaGa has
  • We all know that Lady GaGa has

  • daneoni
    Sep 12, 03:57 PM
    Looks really hot BUT where is EQ?, i live by this thing, now i can no longer find it. Whats up?

    lady gaga album cover born this way. new album from Lady Gaga
  • new album from Lady Gaga

  • tuyenvo
    Mar 29, 11:07 PM
    I'm on the waiting list at my Radio Shack and the two guys ahead of me didn't have to buy an accessory with their iPad. Might be a store by store thing.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady Gaga new album #39;Born This
  • Lady Gaga new album #39;Born This

  • szark
    Aug 3, 06:56 PM
    Maybe you guys should start analyzing better quality pictures. :)

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Since Lady Gaga bumped up the
  • Since Lady Gaga bumped up the

  • theOtherGeoff
    Mar 28, 05:01 PM
    Great, another store that carries iPad 2 but won't ever have any in stock. LOL.

    Unfortunately I think 80% of iPad 2 supply is going to scalpers and resellers, the moment Apple stores get them in stock they sell out and craigslist is then flooded with heavily marked up iPads. It's kind of ridiculous.

    On a related note, isn't it a bit weird Apple hasn't announced any sales figures yet? They're usually quick to brag when devices hit a million sales in a short amount of time.

    the more distribution points, the less the scalpers and resellers can cover.

    The RadioShack in Owatonna MN now is supporting all the people who don't want to drive 50 miles to an Apple Store or Walmart.

    As for the weirdness... yes... but again, when they announce a milestone like that... that gives analysts a tracking point to correllate their counts ("we tracked 30 stores in 6 metro areas... if they sold a million and we counted 1400... and now I'm counting 2800 that means they've sold 2 million...."), and those number cause stock fluctuations that are noise to them, and anti-noise ("Apple missed MY number.... They are going bankrupt next week... SELL SELL!") that is generated when people are predicting the health of the LARGEST TECH STOCK IN FRICKIN UNIVERSE. That's a lot of noise that Apple doesn't want to deal with.

    If Apple can keep all the analysts less chatty until AAPL is good ready to release numbers when they are required (quarterly), then that's a good thing.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady Gaga: Reveals “Born This
  • Lady Gaga: Reveals “Born This

  • chillywilly
    Sep 12, 02:36 PM
    you can classify movies as tv shows and music videos now
    apple-I will bring up information and then go video and you can choose what you want the file is
    I noticed this as well. Very nice to see it working without having to use Lostify (which never worked for me under iTunes 6).

    lady gaga album cover born this way. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Shake 'n' Bake
    Mar 7, 06:01 PM
    The capital region got a bit of ice last night. It was heavy enough to take down a tree about a mile from my house, and of course the power went out. So we came to a hotel for the night. This was taken about 100 yards down the road from the hotel.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • macduke
    May 5, 01:05 AM
    Wireless updates
    Wireless sync
    Wireless music cloud
    Improved wireless notifications

    These things seem likely in iOS 5.0.

    My wish list:

    Wireless file storage
    Wireless charging
    Wireless headphones included (haha jk...not likely)

    EVERYTHING MUST BE WIRELESS! Lol...then the iPhone would have zero openings. Jony Ive would love that.

    Revamped UI, more touch gestures, and more fine-grained settings to customize the phone even further, without needing to jb would be great too. Dynamically updated home screen icons and a new dashboard view for lock screen would be great as well!

    I'm switching to Verizon. Are you?

    lady gaga album cover born this way. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • greg70
    Mar 12, 02:22 AM
    mmmmmm i7 sounds sexy

    Wait till you see the i69 :D

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady Gaga#39;s Born This Way
  • Lady Gaga#39;s Born This Way

  • Aussie John
    Oct 15, 09:18 PM
    all this beaming vs using the ear buds (yours or theirs) reminds me of the great expense NASA went to make a pen that works in space and Zero G. as compared the Russians who used a pencil

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+
  • Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • smeager
    Aug 8, 09:18 AM
    I haven't heard anything about Xcode 2.4 anywhere apart from here. are you sure about it? i really don't think it has been released. been checking as much as i can everywhere, and i've seen nothing. might be getting it mixed up with Xcode 3.0 that's going to be in Leopard? maybe?

    Cya (

    They do have a download image on their site but it dosen't lead to anything. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. With Lady Gaga#39;s newest single
  • With Lady Gaga#39;s newest single

  • 6-0 Prolene
    Mar 13, 11:25 AM
    Has anyone noticed that the refurb section at the Apple Online Store is completely out of stock of all 15" and 13" Macbook Pros? I can't remember this being the case recently and it makes me wonder if this is related to a possible new release of those size configurations. There are multiple configs of the 17" MBP available.

    This has been brought up a lot, and the consensus seems to be that refurb inventory doesn't correlate at all with an impending release.

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+
  • Lady+gaga+orn+this+way+

  • briansolomon
    Aug 8, 01:04 PM
    Does anyone else find it strange/ridiculous that AirPort Express and Bluetooth come standard on every system except the high end Mac Pro?

    lady gaga album cover born this way. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • RTee
    Dec 1, 12:05 AM
    I don't know. The biggest seller in the UK, even now, is Sir Cliff Richard and he was knighted before Sir Paul McCartney.


    Blue Velvet
    Mar 29, 01:48 AM
    Haven't heard much from Obama about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS lately ...

    Perhaps if you started paying attention... only nine or so days ago:

    During a speech to U.S. and Brazilian business leaders, Obama said he sees opportunities for the U.S. to sell more goods and services to Brazil's rapidly growing market of about 200 million consumers. He says the $50 billion in goods and services the U.S. sells to Brazil support more than 250,000 jobs back home.

    and wrote a piece in USAToday just a few days beforehand:

    But in this increasingly interconnected and fiercely competitive world, our top priority has to be creating and sustaining new jobs and new opportunities for our people.

    Lately, we've seen signs that we're moving in the right direction. Our economy added nearly a quarter of a million new private sector jobs last month, and the unemployment rate is at its lowest level in nearly two years. And to keep that progress going, we've got to keep competing for every new job, every new industry, and every new market in the 21st century.

    That's one of the reasons I will travel to Latin America this week � to strengthen our economic relationship with neighbors who are playing a growing role in our economic future.

    Do try to keep up.


    As for Rand Paul's objections, it's so geopolitically and historically ignorant, it's beyond contempt. It's been hilarious watching the right run around to find a consistent line of attack on this. Congress hasn't declared war since the 1940s.

    This is a multilateral action with the backing of a Security Council resolution. The Daily Telegraph's rantings about Al Qaeda are little more than Gaddafi propaganda.

    Hizbullah is a Shiite movement of southern Lebanon. There are no Shiites in North Africa, where almost all Muslims are Sunni. Hamas is a Palestinian movement and does not have a branch franchise in Libya. The people of Benghazi and Misrata, together amounting to 1.3 million, the backbone of the liberation movement, are not al-Qaeda, which is not a mass movement. In fact, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is like a few hundred guys and is an Algerian organization. I know, I know, pointing out that Michelle Bachmann has said something uninformed is like pointing out that Lady Gaga has done something outrageous. But we are told that Bachmann made a positive impression among possible Republican voters in Iowa recently, and the world in which we live has such persons as potential presidential candidates.

    Sarah Palin wants the US military to go into Libya, kill Muammar Qaddafi and then get back out. Palin doesn�t seem to realize that 110,000 US troops on the ground took 8 months just to find Saddam Hussein after they had invaded and occupied Iraq, and that at that point were were bound by Pottery Barn rules per Colin Powell� we had broken the vase and had now owned it. That vase cost about a trillion dollars all told, as Obama pointed out tonight, along with thousands of US and Iraqi lives. Palin lives in a magical world where she can wave her wand and Sarah suddenly gets her way.

    Newt Gingrich was for the intervention before he was against it.

    And Mitt Romney is all for invading Libya, but thinks the United States should have done it all by itself without consulting allies and apparently should bear all the costs of doing so. Romney alleged that the US �followed France� into Libya, though in fact the US fired 110 Tomahawk missiles at Qaddafi�s anti-aircraft batteries as the engagement was beginning, making it safe for the French pilots to fly missions there.

    As for US interests, many of you including the racist fringe christianist Pauls, are not connecting the dots:

    For those who ask what the U.S. national interest in Libya is, the correct question is about broad U.S. regional interests. Had the Libyan crisis emerged before the Arab uprisings, intervention would still have been the moral course � though it would have been harder to make the case about U.S. interests. But there is a link among the revolutions sweeping the Arab world that cannot be denied.

    First, the uprisings have been, stunningly, peaceful. Even in Yemen � where weapons are everywhere, hundreds of thousands have remained adamant in facing the bullets of security forces by repeating Cairo�s Tahrir Square chant, �Silmiyyah, Silmiyyah� (peaceful, peaceful). For thousands, a whiff of dignity and freedom has overcome the fear of death.

    Their success will be the antidote to militant extremists � and thus in the U.S. interest � and their failure would surely turn their energies toward militancy. To be sure, as the Middle East goes through unstable times, al Qaeda will find new opportunities and Washington must remain vigilant. But al Qaeda�s ultimate undoing will be when the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims see it as the primary threat to their aspirations.

    The entire point of this is in the long-term. Apart from denying a victorious Gaddafi an opportunity to create trouble to his neighbours and destabilise the region, it is to provide support for popular uprisings in order to deny radicalism the oxygen it needs.

    Jul 23, 01:06 AM
    This rumor has popped up before--and I think it's almost a BETTER use of a large(r) screen than videos. If my music was already in my pocket, and then as an "extra" with no additional bulk I could also have a book to read, that would be very cool.

    As with movies, though, I'd prefer a subscription model (and priced low accordingly). I seldom watch the same movie--or read the same book--twice. It's not like music.

    Interesting...I love to read, the screen would have to be a good size and sharp, if I can adjust the size of the fonts it might save my eyes. This has possibilities...

    They should offer both a subscripion model for you and a straight purchase for me. My books are my resources and I refer to them often. I think academics might like this, provided ITMS doesn't offer only pulp.

    Charlie Sheen
    Mar 25, 04:11 PM

    I get 36 hours on my Droid X without any issues...

    if you only use it for phone calls and text then it's no problem but if you play a game or surf the web then it may get problematic to achieve a battery life that long

    Sep 22, 11:48 PM
    I wouldn't be shocked if WalMart were telling studios don't sell to Apple. The ethics of Walmart have never been in question: they don't have any.

    The thing that sticks out in this article, if it's true and it is the Post so...., is that Apple is paying $4.51 more for a movie than it can sell it for. Does this make any sense? The iTunes Store is not like Walmart where you can pick up prepackaged meat, cookies and Preparation H while you're getting a movie. Is it because Steve makes money either way? I would think the idea of selling movies is to make a profit on them. And if Walmart is ALWAYS the low price does that mean new movies will be less than iTunes?

    Also, if this story is true I wonder how well Walmart will fare in receiving their shipments of new iPods for Xmas. I saw them at Target yesterday. I wonder if Walmart's got any yet.


    Aug 2, 04:39 PM
    but the compromised code is most likely not Apple's at least.

    I concur. They simply chose a Mac to be a cock. How's that for smugness?

    So what happens when the owner of the MacBook closes the computer?

    Exploit defeated. :)

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