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  • mentholiptus
    Apr 13, 05:13 PM
    Currently the Mac App Store has no way of offering an upgrade to existing Mac software. I don't see that changing.

    I suspect that all these apps will be stripped of their sample media. They're all quite small without them. Perhaps Apple will sell those files separately on their own on DVDs?

    Yeah, we'll see. I guess it all depends on what Apple decides, eh? Unless they've condensed 7-9 apps into 1-4 and ditched all the sample media for livetype, soundtrack pro, motion, DVD studio pro, etc then I strongly doubt it'll be an app store exclusive. I can tell you though, our IT staff won't be very fond of having to go through the Mac app store to keep our entire AV dept up and running.

    Aperture is still sold in a box at a higher price, and I'm sure all pro apps will be as well for the foreseeable future. FCP and Aperture as stand alone apps are relatively small, and aperture doesn't ship with 7 discs.

    quotes on love and pain. quotes on love and pain
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  • Jarbo
    Nov 3, 08:24 AM
    Developers aren't the problem. A lot of it is Internet Explorer and Microsoft not supporting standards. For one, IE doesn't do much html5. Microsoft will probably never support the svg-based "flash killer" canvas tag. Also, due to bickering on all browser makers, HTML5 doesn't specify a mandatory video format so you have Apple doing mpeg-4, Firefox and friends doing ogg, and IE supporting nothing. And let's not forget users who still run IE6.

    No, LETS PLEASE forget about users running IE6. For GOD's sake, It's an 8 year old browser!

    quotes on love and pain. quotes on love and pain.
  • quotes on love and pain.

  • Edge100
    Nov 29, 08:24 AM
    Some great composers, but Mc Cartney is not the sharpest business tool in shed. Evidence.... Michael Jackson & the fact he lost so much money waiting this long to license the music to a legitimate outlet. Allofmp3.com & bearshare,all the other peer2peer & preloaded ipods being sold stole from all of them big time.

    MY friends all have complete Beatles on their mp3 players & computers. Cost probably nada. Whether it is right or wrong people will buy if it is easily available & steal more if it isnt.

    SteveO has to be drinking the Beatles kool-aid to give an overgenerous deal.

    The issue with the Michael Jackson thing goes back years to when Lennon/McCartney originally sold the publishing rights to Dick James, and then didn't/were'nt given the chance to buy them back once they became wealthy men. In the Michael Jackson case, it was simply that Paul couldn't raise the money to buy them. This was mainly because he couldn't get Yoko to join him in the bidding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Songs

    And don't forget, Apple (Corps) aren't stupid. The 40th anniversary of the release of Sgt. Pepper is next year (June 1, for those who are keeping track). AND...not so coincidentally, it's the 20th anniversary of the CD releases. There is a massive opportunity there, and I've been saying for some time that I expect the remastered, next-gen Beatles releases to coincide with this event. "It was 20 years ago today...", and all that.

    The fact that Apple can continue to make heaps of money after 40 years on just the Beatles images/likenesses (remember, they don't own the publishing OR the master recordings), is amazing.

    quotes on love and pain. quotes about love and pain.
  • quotes about love and pain.

  • macsrcool1234
    Apr 17, 01:25 PM
    A cardboard box, some crumbled up wrapping paper, plastic bottle and a can are better and much cheaper.

    Or being a good adult and actually...parenting instead of letting an iPad do it for you.

    Parents these days...

    quotes on love and pain. Tags: love pain quotes dying
  • Tags: love pain quotes dying

  • enda1
    Aug 8, 01:29 PM
    Does anyone else find it strange/ridiculous that AirPort Express and Bluetooth come standard on every system except the high end Mac Pro?

    I do. But I'm sure someone will tell us that we are idiots for thinking so and why it is sooo obvious why they don't include them. My guess is they will use loads of acronyms ;)

    quotes on love and pain. quotes about love and pain
  • quotes about love and pain

  • Shua
    Jan 11, 04:23 PM
    Spoilsport, I thought we we're having a 'crazy' prediction discussion

    Like the intoduction of an iToaster (like the one off Red Dwarf) maybe an iOxygen device so we don't have to worry about pollution


    Get the smeg out!

    quotes on love and pain. heartbreak, love, magic, pain,
  • heartbreak, love, magic, pain,

  • gregbenj
    Jul 22, 09:30 PM
    Integrate motion sensors! With a flick of the wrist, the page will turn. Hot Damn!

    quotes on love and pain. love quotes are some of
  • love quotes are some of

  • FatJeff
    Mar 21, 03:21 PM
    Sorry, but for me this story doesn't pass the sniff test.

    Since it's a page 2 story, I think the editors think the same.

    Great PR story if true...

    quotes on love and pain. to say it, pain, quotes
  • to say it, pain, quotes

  • gameface
    Mar 9, 12:43 PM
    3 pictures


    *One Photo per Day - Don't post multiple images in one message.


    quotes on love and pain. Quotes Myspace Graphics
  • Quotes Myspace Graphics

  • NYC Russ
    Apr 12, 12:30 PM
    Don't worry.

    If the Chinese economy keeps growing at the same rate over the next decade they will be setting up manufacturing plants in the USA to take advantage of the cheap American labour. ;)

    Haier, a Chinese company, currently manufactures appliances in South Carolina. Labor costs are not that relevant in modern manufacturing because of the level of automation.

    quotes on love and pain. Boys love quotes - Pain
  • Boys love quotes - Pain

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 05:00 PM
    Perfect � Not Only Is Vista Frickin' Buggy Inferior � It Cost $110 More Too :eek:

    Leopard will eat Vista for breakfast. :)

    quotes on love and pain. LOVE is PAIN. by Mawlock
  • LOVE is PAIN. by Mawlock

  • pmz
    May 6, 08:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There's nothing good about 3D, and nothing good about clueless bloggers who "think it's great!"

    quotes on love and pain. Love Quotes, Romantic Words,
  • Love Quotes, Romantic Words,

  • VenusianSky
    Apr 2, 10:59 AM
    More megapixels can mean equal or better quality at a larger resolution or worse quality at a larger resolution. It all depends on how they cram in the extra pixels. If they cram them into the same size sensor as a 5MP, then it would result in lower quality, but larger pictures. If they increase the sensor size, which would require a longer focal length, then you would have equal or better quality at a larger resolution. The problem with increasing the focal point is the iPhone's thin design. They would have to move sensor further away from the lens in order for it to focus properly. I believe Apple did go with a larger sensor in the iPhone 4.

    quotes on love and pain. sad quotes about love and
  • sad quotes about love and

  • GeekLawyer
    Mar 21, 01:28 PM
    Instant classic. Well played, Apple. Well played.

    quotes on love and pain. broken heart quotes
  • broken heart quotes

  • MagicMouse
    Mar 11, 03:54 PM
    It was judged to be a hoax, just like all the MBP rumors so far.

    Are they all really a hoax? Or is Apple covering up true rumors....? Hmmm

    quotes on love and pain. Sad quotes amp; life quote 5
  • Sad quotes amp; life quote 5

  • stabsteer
    Apr 14, 01:01 AM
    No clue. I bet it would run but not all that well. I hope these comments on the rest of the Studio will calm some of the "sky is falling" pessimists. I'm not saying that FCPX is a home run yet but I'm more than happy to leave my torch and pitchfork in the shed based on what's been demoed so far.

    Don't know what these people are talking about. It will run fine on a maxed out 13" air. It's not nearly the same as a maxed out Mac Pro, but it will work fine. These people are just blowing steam without a clue. No one really knows but you should be fine. That's what I have after all!

    quotes on love and pain. quotes on love and pain.
  • quotes on love and pain.

  • Squonk
    Nov 27, 09:59 AM
    Cue iTunes promo with "Come Together" as the soundtrack! (Or maybe "The Long and Winding Road")

    Oh there are soooo many good songs for the promo's:

    Ticket to Ride
    We can work it out
    I want to hold your hand
    Let it be
    Please please me
    You've got to hide your love away
    Revolution **** My guess for an early promo!
    You never give me your money
    Don't pass me by

    BRING IT!!! :D

    quotes on love and pain. More Lost Love Quotes Page 1
  • More Lost Love Quotes Page 1

  • Rowbear
    Mar 13, 07:04 AM
    ISO 400, Tokina at 11mm and f/2.8, 15-second exposure. Light at the left is city light, with the moon at the center below the Auroras.

    Very nice. I hope to see this great spectacle one day :)

    quotes on love and pain. quotes on love and pain.
  • quotes on love and pain.

  • manu chao
    Apr 12, 01:56 PM
    There should be a law that states anytime a US company chooses to manufacture something outside the US, the company must post a clearly-articulated-less-than-25-page document stating AND COMPARING why the US is unable to manufacture said product.

    Usually such a document could consist of one single sentence: "Somebody else does it for less money." Which is one of the key principles of a market economy or capitalism, competition based on price (for a given service or product).
    I never understood why socialism is such a bad word in the U.S. but protectionism is not. Both -isms try to circumvent the market (as in market economy).

    Disclaimer: I don't think the market is perfect, it very often is not. But you should first demonstrate clear market failure before overruling it.

    Aug 3, 07:03 AM
    1) Using USB Wlan card.
    2) Connects the Mac to the Dell using similar card (can you say self written drivers?) using already set up IPs and settings.
    3) Attacks the Mac (how do we know he just doesn't have Windows sharing on and log into existing account on the Mac?).
    4) Had they used two Dells', who'd go see their video? Using Macbook gave them maximum exposure and hits.

    Cheap publicity stunt!

    Sep 6, 10:04 AM
    MBP's on September 12th are sounding even better and better. Now there's no big iMac to introduce, but there is a macbook pro update that I need to be introduced to!

    24" iMac SWEET! If I needed a new desktop, I don't think I'd get one though. I've got a perfectly good 20" FP at home. I guess I'd have to get the MacPro. Darn it :D

    Get the 24" iMac and span with your 20" screen - two monitor goodness!!

    Sep 4, 09:11 AM
    I recently read an article that outlined the orchestration of product release by Apple. In a nutshell, Apple does't want to release too many products in one setting because 1. each new release potentially overshadows the next 2. media buzz will die down in a couple weeks. Apple wants to keep their name in the news as much as possible so they make major announcements, in drips and drabs. Of course this may or may not apply to this new event, but i would speculate that they would not release a new iPod and a 23" iMac in the same event. Apple depends on maximum buzz with the release of the new iPods and I don't think they would take the shance that a new iMac would overshadow it completely. Thoughts?

    Well, I believe that Apple WILL introduce an iPod alongside a Mac, as they did last october. A new Mac isn't worth the cover of TIME, but a new iPod is. By introducing a Mac at the same time, it shares the spotlight. Last year when the video iPod came out, the new iMac G5 with iSight also made the cover of TIME, but it wouldn't have if there wasn't a video iPod next to it.

    What you say applies to multiple iPods; Apple wouldn't introduce the 6G iPod alongside a new nano.

    Mar 25, 01:48 PM
    Also as expected..

    Big D 51
    May 6, 07:11 AM
    LOL! This is just a Hollywood studio's desperate wet dream.
    They are realizing that 3D is turning into a fad instead of the money cow they were expecting. With a few exceptions the studios are losing a lot of money with 3D and now hope Apple will turn their turd into gold...

    I agree

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