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  • Le Big Mac
    Sep 6, 09:02 AM
    Forgive me if this isn't new, but I just noticed that you can order the BT keyboard and mighty mouse as a package for $60 ($54 edu discount). Given that the BT MM alone is $69, this is a great deal.

    But you don't get the wired keyboard/mouse if you do that. In other words, the $60 is really more like $100 with a $40 credit for the wired kb/mouse.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 9, 03:16 AM
    Time Machine seems more like the Shadow Copies on Server only on a local level rather than a network drive. (example attached)

    I'm assuming they will use a form of Single Instance Storage with TM, so you have one copy of the file and only the deltas from any changes to reduce space requirements.

    I think the actual automated backing up of stuff has been aound for years. Its the way Apple does it that makes it great. I mean cmon. Look at the screen shot you posted and then time machine! :D

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  • mkrishnan
    Aug 3, 08:26 AM
    So why did they use an external wireless card? The only reasonable explanation is that whatever they did doesn't work with the built-in airport.

    Yes, this had certainly occurred to me, and I think it's a fair guess. But I don't think I'd gallop off to "this is a total non-issue" from here. That's all I'm saying. Again, not panicked, but I think this should be pursued in the long term. There is a valid point in that the "seeking a network" activity of wifi cards in general offers a potential vector for exploits.

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  • solarguy17
    Mar 28, 01:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I used to work at RS and really it was pretty good place to work. It was commission but I always made around $10 or so an hour. Yeah, it maybe overpriced but generally the employees are more intelligent then BB employees and way better then WM employees.

    Walmart is way worse the RS.

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  • i miss you friendship quotes. i miss you friendship quotes; i miss you friendship quotes. flopticalcube. Apr 23, 10:46 AM

  • janstett
    Sep 24, 08:48 AM
    I hope that this pisses off the studios royally. The sooner we shift to a purely electronic method of distribution, the better everything is.

    Be careful what you wish for, and which Devil you find yourself in bed with. Remeber Divx, the original Circuit City Divx. The studios want to protect our media FROM us and they want us to forget "fair use" ever existed. Their dream is to restrict access to our media and make us pay for each access to it.

    Divx charged you to watch DVDs you "owned" for 48-hour time windows, and you couldn't go from one player to another. Digital media is great, but always remember the studios don't like that you can buy a movie for $20 and watch it as many times as you want or do things like ripping it to an iPod. DRM will creep in and protect your media from you, online distribution only ensures this will happen sooner rather than later.

    Not to mention the quality problem. When will iTunes offer 1920x1080 movies with Dolby Digital Plus sound? That's right, never. When physical media goes away, we are all stuck with low quality -- thanks in large part to iTunes and paying for 128 kbps songs and then 320x240 videos. Sonically, we have a generation of people listening to heavily compressed music on crappy earbuds. We've gone backwards from CD, not forward. Rather than going to 24-bit sampling, 192kHz sampling, and 6 channels, at best we get lossless that's still the same as a CD. The high-res audio formats (DVD-A, SACD) failed miserably. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are just launching but will not grow like DVD did. And here we have people flocking to buy movies with inferior quality to DVD.

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  • shtoat
    Apr 14, 09:36 AM
    What the hell? Since when have apple made desktop computers?

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  • i miss you friendship quotes. So, I just wont you to know; So, I just wont you to know. Silentwave. Jul 11, 11:19 PM

  • kretzy
    Aug 24, 12:34 PM
    Bugger! Mine doesn't qualify. Right model, wrong serial number. :mad: :D

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  • NT1440
    Mar 10, 07:28 PM
    Id also like to add that I increased spending on veterans, so you can save the "you don't support the troops" crap, I dont want to hear it.

    The funny thing is that our current war spending doesn't put anything aside or even factor in the serious cash we're gonna have to drop on veteran benefits down the road. Thats a huge unaccounted for money pit, that MUST be paid for.

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  • FleurDuMal
    Jan 11, 05:13 PM
    yeah, we've had that one already

    Whoops. I couldn't be bothered going through 5 pages checking first :(

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  • iMeowbot
    Nov 27, 10:13 AM
    Lets hope they remaster them - the stereo effects on the original versions can be really painful on a pair of headphones.
    Apple Corps did say (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aFXMHi1sm_p8&refer=us) that the Beatles tracks would be cleaned up before download releases were made.

    The cheesy stereo on some of the early tracks may seem odd to current-day listeners, but on the other hand, mashup hobbyists must love it :)

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  • alent1234
    Apr 12, 03:13 PM
    They make cars in the US, and domestic cars are typically less expensive than foreign ones. This argument really doesn't fly.

    Stop making excuses for US companies that build their products elsewhere. We CAN manufacture things in this country; we used to do it a lot more and the products were affordable.

    My Apple IIe says "Made in the USA" on the bottom. It's sad that we never see that on computers anymore.

    we also make airplanes and other things that cost a lot. partly because shipping cars across the ocean is expensive and import duties

    it's the cheap things that can't be produced in america anymore for a price people are willing to pay

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  • Leaping Tortois
    May 5, 06:56 AM
    To be honest, I'd rather get better colours, better black and all that. An AMOLED display on an iPad would absolutely amazing (AMOLED Retina would be even better).

    Also, in terms of the Bluray is dead. Possible only in the US, because the content providers won't allow other countries to stream anything at a decent price, and what we do get (for a ridiculous price) is a terrible quality video. Honestly, they look like the old DivX and XVid video's from the dial-up era. The so called "HD" from content providers such as Apple, Amazon, and Netflix wouldn't be anywhere near bluray quality, unless the files were at around 7GB per hour (13500kbps).

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 4, 12:11 PM
    man i can't wait until the 12th

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  • ouimetnick
    Mar 11, 02:45 PM
    Please please please. An top it off with new Mac Pros too

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  • MS bulldog
    Aug 3, 04:17 PM
    i love all of this "fact" posting about whether the vulnerability works on native parts or not...its soooo...scientific.

    well this blog said this
    well this blog said that
    well such and such downstairs said [insert claim]

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  • i miss you friendship quotes. Friendship Quotes Comment; Friendship Quotes Comment. rdowns. Mar 24, 07:17 PM. The Catholic Church doesn#39;t hate homosexuals

  • lostngone
    Mar 28, 11:48 PM
    That is just sad. It's a developer conference, not a media event (it just happens to have one at the start when Apple shows off all the new software). I wouldn't go to WWDC even if I was given free tickets because I couldn't benefit from the conference as much as a real developer (I doubt messing around with XCode for fun counts). Trying to resell tickets like that hurts the platform.

    It is only 2 so far so it hasn't evolved into a major scalping problem just yet.

    Maybe a dev that was away from the net for half a day really needed to go and missed registration.

    I know after last year, I didn't dare wait however if work had been really busy today I wouldn't have had a chance to register in time.

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  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 12, 01:20 PM
    Exactly. Our economy did not go down the crapper because of lack of manufacturing...but it certainly doesn't help.

    How is it that in THIS ECONOMY the US Gov't can't entice Apple/Foxconn/whoever to build here in the US?! Come on...you're telling me that the US Gov't either said a)nope...not gonna budge...our policies/rules are the same or b)here's our best offer (yet it was still much worse than opening in Brazil?!)

    $12 Billion is a lot of money for a company opening a manufacturing plant.

    As for your tax comment...I've always wondered and firmly believe that 100% of all US citizens should pay the exact same tax rate. Whites don't pay differently than blacks right? Catholics don't pay more than Muslims right? Aren't we all supposed to be "equal" in this nation? Make the darn tax rate something universal like 20% and every SINGLE YEAR we all know exactly what we're paying and the gov't knows exactly how much they're getting. Budget problems and crying will be basically wiped out.

    Thank you. Don't forget to add the corporations to that flat tax in addition to eliminating all tax loopholes/breaks. Cutting NPR and Union collective bargaining rights are not going to solve our fiscal mess. If we can't openly discuss the stupid wars then move the spotlight to the Corporatocracy this country has become.

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  • balamw
    Aug 24, 12:20 PM

    Still only 12" iBook and 12/15" PB affected.


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  • bboucher790
    May 5, 06:27 PM
    off switch or not, you have to realize that the more companies will be manufacturing 3D devices, the more companies will create 3D content for these devices

    it's a crappy circle...

    Who cares if someone creates 3D content for a device? Again, explain the negative here? How does this hurt you as a 2D viewer. Unless they start making 3D only content, your experience should not change.

    As much as I don't like 3D stuff being shoved down my face, I also like the choice of being able to view something in 3D, rather than not having the choice at all.

    I find it strange how there's so much angst against something that is completely optional to the user. That's like me being annoyed someone else is able to turn on Bluetooth.

    Mar 29, 11:38 AM
    I've always felt that WW2 was justified though the way we ended the war was unfortunate and un-necessary.

    I'm also generally in support of intervening to stop genocide/ethnic cleansing.

    Unnecessary Wars:

    War 1812
    Civil War
    Spanish American War
    Korean War
    Vietnam War
    Desert Storm (Iraq 1.0) maybe necessary but easily avoided
    Iraq War

    Interesting list.

    I'd assume that you are also not a supporter of the USA's forays south of our border during the last century and a half.

    I wonder what Rand thinks about the sale of US military goods to foreign countries? Surely the sale of such, especially to militant countries like Iraq, Libya, Israel, etc, violates his sacrosanct policy of non-intervention.

    Nov 27, 10:57 AM
    If an ipod by U2 sold a good amount of units, imagine how many units a beatles unit would?
    hell, i hope they make it look nice.

    Mar 21, 04:08 PM
    They'll keep it going till 23rd October I reckon. Anniversary event I'm guessing + one of those cheesy white promo videos about the "first 10 years".

    Well, we'll see.

    Mar 25, 12:39 PM
    Seriously. What happened to the support for the VZW iPhone? All this talk of fragmentation. Now we have essentially the same phone, on different software generations. What gives? I guess we really are the red-headed step child.

    I think that the Verizon iphone was so secretive that the iOS group didn't even know about it... once the VZW iphone was released, the iOS group now has to incorporate the changes...

    Apr 11, 05:23 AM
    Interesting point, although what you're not factoring in is that the resale value of CS5 is substantial whereas the resale value of the subscription model is ZERO :D

    Nor the fact that the only part of that �8000 up-front cost you save is the �1700 cost of the Adobe software. 21% saving is better than nothing, but you would do better to get your business modelling and recruitment right...

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