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  • makemygc
    07-27 01:43 PM
    Urgency of getting a receipt is that once you get the receipt, it means that USCIS has 'accepted' your application and it will not be rejected for lack of initial evidence.

    You can track it by checking your bank account too. You checks will be cashed first before you get the receipt.

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  • alex99
    05-30 11:44 AM

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  • coolngood4u80
    11-10 03:59 PM
    wonder why bulletin hasn't come out yet...

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  • pappu
    07-08 05:15 PM
    Based on what Zoe Lofgren said in the video interview it is clear that no piece meal changes will be entertained. Courtesy of the media (read: Lou Dobbs) and the hispanic representation in the Congress/Senate any legal immigration effort is held at gun-point. In my opinion all changes will be rolled up into CIR, which may pass as late as 2010. Be it Obama or McCain, they have bigger issues to address before worrrying about immigration and that to legal immigration. Both have to live up to poll promises and immigration reform features only as a lip-service when both speak on the campaign trail. Bringing the troops home, addressing issues with economy, and solving the energy needs will be prioririty number one for the new President.

    I spent considerable time reading the last CIR proposal and it was clearly in favor of illegal immigrants. Restrictions on hiring legal immigrants and choking their talent featured at the top of the "to do" list for legal immigrants like us. I dont see much change in the next CIR. Few changes here or there but the word "Comprehensive" in CIR is reserved for illegals.

    Who is to blame? In my opinion, US. Not U.S but us (we the people). On one hand you observe legal hispanic immigrants and business fighting for the cause of their community and on the other we conveniently forget our community as soon as we adopt this alien land. I live in the Bay Area and boy have I seen the marathi mandals, kannada sanghas, TANA, AATA, BATA and God knows how may orgranizations that represent our fractured presence in this country. We have shamelessly displayed our differences based on cultural backgrounds/needs. Sardar Patel's dream of "Ek akhand bharat" (one united India) seems to reverberate only when India plays Pakistan in a game of cricket. I wonder if people such as Vinod Khosla, Vinod Dham, Arun Netravali, Indra Nooyi understand or are are atleast cognizant of the issues their community is facing. For a wild second, imagine the above four making a few phone calls. I bet the impact will be huge.

    Congratulating ourselves for small achievements and patting each other the back for things such as two year EAD extension, etc is great but the celebrations have to stop and we need to focus on CIR. Immigrationvoice is a great organization and I will not take away anything from it. That said, collecting a few hundred thousand, making phone calls, and sending flowers is going to do jack-shit. We need representation on the corridors of power. That's where the battle is.

    Finally anybody who calls the D.C rally a success needs to go easy on the weed. I was there and I can tell you, it was pathetic. Compare that to the L.A rally by the hispanic community. We can give a million explanations on why the D.C rally was under-represented. The bottomline my friends is that the L.A illegal rally got more coverage on CNN and the media, which clearly translated into a biased CIR.

    Lastly, please dont take a few lines from what I've written and display your rebuttal skills. Frankly, I give a rats ass on what you have to say.

    I do agree with your thoughts to some extent.
    1) Unless we get lot more folks involved, it will be a tough task. A small number for a DC rally or a few hundreds doing phone campaign will not achieve much.
    2) Indian community (including GC holders, Citizens and highly placed individuals) would need to be involved if this has to become a visible voice.

    The best way to achieve these objectives is by taking it upon ourselves and reach out to these people. Unless enough awareness is generated, our campiagns will not generate enough heat to power the bills forward.


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  • jonty_11
    06-19 04:06 PM
    in short ,,they stop processing ur case once ur date rerogresses....!!!

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  • th5000th
    11-30 06:55 PM
    Following is Ron`s observation

    There is an error in the initial explanation of the quota. As I read this analysis, they are suggesting that the single state limit is 25,620 - irrespective of whether the visas are issued in family or employment based. This suggests that a country with heavy family based demand, but light employment based demand, could use more than 7% of the EB or FB quota as long as they remained under 25,620 overall. This is wrong. The 7% limit applies independently to FB and EB. A country could have no demand in one area, and enormous demand in the other and the side with the excessive demand would still be limited to 7% of that quota - not 7% of the combined quota.

    Also, I think that their estimates for China and India EB2 are too pessimistic.

    What? too pessimistic or too optimistic?


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  • gc_check
    05-11 01:27 PM
    Obama getting ready for 2012 Campaign !!!

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  • hiralal
    04-21 10:08 PM
    friends please mention that GC delay is preventing you from buying a house and other related investments ..who knows this may catch their attention


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  • Hopeful1
    06-18 06:20 PM
    Thanks Snathan for bringing up this issue.

    I personally suffered due to this visa stamping. I was stuck in Delhi for four months due to administrative processing, almost lost my job, lost apartment, lost lot of money and now I am scared to go back for stamping again. My wife and I had to miss my father in law's funeral due to this fear.

    I know few other folks who have been in similar situation and I can contact them to share stories.

    I am willing to contribute both time and money for this initiative.

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  • trueguy
    10-12 07:53 PM
    There are not many EB3 approvals so far. It means USCIS doesn't have many cases in their inventory with cut-off date of Oct'08 VB so I hope DOS move the EB3 cut off dates forward in Nov'08 bulletin and more cases become eligible.


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  • pappu
    11-16 06:09 PM
    Non-immigrants are routinely charged a hefty premium on mortgages and loans just based on the fact that their stay in the US is limited in time - irrespective of what your credit score and other usual risk assessment metrics have to say.
    could members explain this further with more information and facts if possible. we have not been covering this in our media interviews and facts about hardships we face.

    infact it would be better if finance gurus and others on the forum can help list various ways in which h1b visa holders suffer financially by not having a gc.

    - mortgage rates are one.

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  • kevin08
    04-19 10:09 PM
    Man - U guys love to quibble about stupid things rather than focus on the big picture. All my thread says is - I'm doing X .... Please consider doing it as well if you think it is worth your while ... Thats it - Nothing more - nothing less. And here we're having a discussion about how long I've been a member of IV and yada yada yada ...

    good effort and a superb reply


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  • saro28
    12-28 08:21 AM
    For AP renewal, do I need to send photos by mail again? I thought USCIS uses the picture on file. Folks please correct me if I am wrong. Could some one PM me the letter format?
    Appreciate your help

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  • India_USA
    07-08 09:08 AM
    Not a fan of AZ law, but I'm delighted that it has pushed immigration issue to the forefront, forced federal govt's hand and jolted it out of its inaction. Many a battles will be won/lost over immigration in Nov 2010 elections.

    agree with you..........
    need a few more things to go wrong before the fed really wakes up and does something right this time around!!


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  • yabadaba
    06-05 02:52 PM
    Keep in mind that it is higly likely that DOS has changed its strategy of releasing visa numbers starting this year. Previously, they would release numbers per quarter. But this time, from all accounts it appears they have moved away from that model to improve USCIS efficiency. They may have released almost all of the annual quota by now.

    Check the Feb 2007 visa bulletin where they made EB2 India Unavailable as the annual quota was over. It came back again only because there was spillover from ROW.

    Based on this, it is very unlikely that there will be much forward movement in July.
    if they did what u say they did.. they violated the law. thats what gotcher is talking about. plus using up 140k visas without a substantial impact being seen on the forums is highly unlikely.

    last year in june and july when they issued 60k visas there was huge spike in approvals and it was seen on the forums/on /IV/ immigration portal.

    there has not been such an observed event this year. the reason eb2 india went to U was because they had used up the quota associated with per country caps and the category and quarter sub quotas.

    what we are seeing now/ will see in this fiscal year will be spill over visas. where it occurs is anybody's guess.

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  • Ram_C
    11-09 02:12 PM
    Maybe USCIS thinks that our cases mayn't become approvable within the next 15 months. This is just my theory, because I see lot of people have got FP but with early PD's

    this might not be true, because I personally know about 7/8 applicants with PD of 2007 (I-140 pending) and received thier FP notices.


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  • imh1b
    11-12 09:16 AM
    Visa bulletin is coming today

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  • Munna Bhai
    05-15 03:46 PM
    I believe Mbhai did a dis-service by negating good advice. What is the guarantee that the 2nd women that this guy marries will not ask for divorce? The best thing he can do is find a way to reconcile, unless there is marital infidility.

    I believe "snathan" story was inspiring and addressed the true problem of that individual and every indivudual's life. Trust me, when you all get your GC's will be these things that will matter to all of you, rather than anything else.

    I think we, in this forum, should get more mature in handling others personnel issues. The reason I was against that "snathan" story was that we are trying to play goody goody for no reason. We are in a country where the divorce rate is the highest..then why don't we open this forum for all of those people..let's play good Samaritan to everyone...

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  • yabadaba
    12-13 03:22 PM
    please give us the name of this company so that we can inform ICE and do our duty to stop fraud.

    07-06 03:24 PM
    As per the website its brodcasted on these days
    Monday-Friday, 6:30-7 p.m. ET;

    I hope they havent postponed it till monday

    05-29 04:35 PM
    I thought Guantanamo was being closed soon. They might ship us to detention centers in Afganistan or Iraq. :D Hope they have more high tech jobs there.

    And I thought it could not be worse than what we already got :(
    What are they going to do next... Put us in Guantanamo Bay detention camp.... for being immigrants ...and that too legal...and that too high skilled.:mad:

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