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  • ssingh92
    01-03 11:33 AM
    I asked a question regarding use of AP and received following response from Embassy of Belgium.

    As an Indian citizen you do not need a transit visa IF you are only making an airport transit (in other words, if you stay in the airport terminal and you do not have to re-check your luggage in Brussels ). Please contact your airline to make sure your luggage goes directly to your main destination.
    Marijke Janssens

    Also Confirmed with JetAirWays NY. They said that the plane stops for 2Hr for security check and there is no check out/in. So I dont need transit visa.

    I booked my ticket in JetAirWays (better than Air India).

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. cartoon girl with rown
  • cartoon girl with rown

  • ajju
    03-01 12:04 PM
    Hi All,
    I used to commute across the border from Canada to work(on h1b) between 2004 and 2006. My passport was stamped just the first time and never after that.

    I've heard of this behavior at PoE especially for Mexico and Canada.. I think we need to remind and ask for stamping.. even if they say its okay...

    I landed in Canada in 2004 and came back in 2 weeks... My original I-94 had expired.. but I 'd new one on my new H1 approval.. So they gave me a new I-94.. My wife's I-94 was valid.. so she didn't get a new I-94... But her passport was stamped... May be because it was first trip...

    I agree with gokhale35 to provide evidence from CC... but if its older than a year.. most CC bills won't be available... lease copy may be possible... I think affidavit plus letter from employer may suffice.. But a lawyer would be your best bet anyways...

    Good luck... should be resolved soon.. and you'll get GC soon...
    Where's mine :-(

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. wallpapers, Pretty
  • wallpapers, Pretty

  • keshtwo
    07-05 04:32 PM
    Dudes and Dudettes,

    Stop whining. The DOS giveth and DOS taketh away. Its nothing to do with our being united or not. If we could do anything concrete, believe me, people would be on it. no one wants to waste time on inconsequential ideas.

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. hair, Cartoon
  • hair, Cartoon

  • USDream2Dust
    09-24 06:38 PM
    Guys.Don't make the mistake that I made.

    When you do medicals, get a copy for yourself as the doctor would seal the form and give you. Keep a copy for yourself.

    I went in to get Physicals done and was charged 580$ for me and my wife.

    they normally charge 200$ per person which is quite normal here in NJ/NY.

    But they couldn't fine a record for me and had to order blood work and charged me160 for it. Also gave me 25$ flu shot.

    On top of all they won't use my insurance for physicals.



    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. characters images, Cartoon
  • characters images, Cartoon

  • ivar
    09-11 11:04 AM
    I read some posts from the thread you mentioned and i was not able to read it entirely as it was a very long thread. I couldn't figure out what changed with respect to EB2 job zones. I have filed my current perm in EB2 with senior software engineer title and i am not sure what will happen to that. I am in this country for 5 years and still struggling to get my PERM approved (So far i have filed PERM three times :)) Is there anyone in IV who has got their PERM approved with Priority date from DECEMBER 2008 onwards? This will be little encouraging.

    Are there any PERM approvals with priority date after DEC 08? I believe a lot of people on IV have already passed this stage (Many may have EAD by now) and there may not be many in this PERM queue. There are people like us who are still stuck with PERM and need to hear from fellow IVians if they are aware of the reasons for the PERM delays. It is taking more than 10 months to get the regular PERM approvals.

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. pictures, Cartoon
  • pictures, Cartoon

  • Junky
    09-22 03:27 PM
    Some loser gave me red with the following message.
    Don't keep posting same message.

    Let me tell you A**H***, when ppl like you do not call I have to post same message again & again & again....
    So do your part & call.


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. pictures, Cartoon
  • pictures, Cartoon

  • iamakshay
    05-28 03:06 PM

    I have applied for Canadian PR (AINP) and would like to know after getting canadian PR,will it possible for H4 and H1 person to work for Canada based company by staying in US or not?

    I think I am not impacting US labor or anything. I will be working for Canadian company from US. I will be getting Salary / Tax deduction in Canada.


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. A CARTOON GIRL WITH BROWN HAIR

  • fairyangel
    02-03 01:39 PM

    I hold a H1b Visa but did not work after coming to US.
    Can anybody guide me regarding my current status.
    My H1 was approved in 2007 quota and i entered US in march 2008..but was not successful in getting a job and my employer is not running any payroll..
    can anybody help me with this??



    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. people, Cartoon
  • people, Cartoon

  • puriyu
    03-31 10:03 AM
    Yes you can go for stamping in Halifax if you didn't change your employer.So if you going for restamping while working with same employer you are eligible.

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. A CARTOON GIRL WITH BROWN HAIR

  • mbartosik
    11-08 10:03 PM
    on the list of IV issues is legislation to require employers to share immigration documentation.

    If you don't trust your sponsor then I would recommend finding a new one. You will be in position for many years where you need a sponsor that you can trust.

    You will certainly want to get a copy of the I140 when that is eventually filed. You may have a long wait before you can file for I485, and you will need the I140. Some employers held people's feet to the fire to get a copy of the I140.


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. 50 tyson pictures, Cartoon
  • 50 tyson pictures, Cartoon

  • txh1b
    04-15 10:40 AM
    I think Air India is the best for elderly people.

    I second that. The food is certainly tolerable than the European carriers and the familiar desi faces help the elderly not to hesitate and ask for anything they need.

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. pictures, Cartoon
  • pictures, Cartoon

  • ItIsNotFunny
    09-22 03:06 PM
    Please post how many people you called!

    Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)202- 225-4576
    Steve King (R-Iowa)202- 225-4426 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Mike Pence (R-Ind.) 202-225-3021
    Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) 202-225-3035
    Lamar S. Smith (R-Texas), Ranking Member 202- 225-4236 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) 202-225-2216
    Chris Cannon (R-Utah)202- 225-7751
    Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) 202-225-2676
    Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)202- 225-5431
    J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)202- 225-6365
    Tom Feeney (R-Fla.) 202-225-2706 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Ric Keller (R-Fla.)202- 225-2176
    Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.)202- 225-5811
    Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)202- 225-3906 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Dan Lungren (R-Calif.)202- 225-5716
    Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) 202-225-5911
    Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.)202- 225-4176
    Rick Boucher (D-Va.) 202-225-3861
    Robert C. Scott (D-Va.) (202) 225-8351
    Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) 202-225-3401
    Howard Coble (R-N.C.) 202-225-3065
    Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)202- 225-3265
    John Conyers (D-Mich.), Chairman 202-225-5126
    William D. Delahunt (D-Mass.)202- 225-3111
    Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) 202-225-4755
    Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)202- 225-8203
    Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.) 202-225-4695


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. little cartoon girl with rown
  • little cartoon girl with rown

  • lostinbeta
    10-22 04:38 PM
    No, the shinra mansion is in Clouds hometown.

    Gah... I can't remember the name of it!!!

    Anywho... It is the abandoned mansion, It is tifas home town also.

    Has the winding steps to go to the basement.

    You visit there on your search for Sephiroth. Sephiroth finds documentation in the basement... there is an FMV about that.


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. mom poems from daughter, A
  • mom poems from daughter, A

  • logiclife
    03-22 04:34 PM
    Loss of country soft cap quota is intended and not an error. The hard cap ensures that the newly created EB 5 applicants get all the usused visas and to keep EB 5 well-supplied, the numbers are being drained from EB 1, 2 and 3.

    All our employers have to know this. The kind of employers who pushed for more greencards for EB1, 2 and 3 during S 1932 have to know this. Please circulate this to your employer, other recruitors/employers who want to have more access to foriegn born employees in high-skills area.

    Hard cap has flown below the radar and its our job to spread awareness. Send the PDF file(on homepage) to all the people you know.

    The worst case scenario is that with the hard cap, if the good things are elimination in the conference committ.(Very likely) then we will be worse off than we were last year. we will all get greencard on or around the graduation day our our children's high school and we will be driving hydrogen fuel-cell cars by that time.


    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. little cartoon girl with rown
  • little cartoon girl with rown

  • logiclife
    07-11 11:18 AM
    This is from Rajiv Khanna's (, found today.

    Employer to be barred for two years from H-1 and green card filing for willful failure to pay benched employees.

    In a decision entitled "Administrator WHD v. Synergy Systems, Inc." on June 30, 2006, the employer was ordered to pay back wages to two benched (Indian) employees and was directed to be barred from the H-1 AND green card programs for two years. The employer tried to argue that the employees were on unpaid leave of absence. This argument was rejected. It was found that employer had willfully violated H-1B regulations, hence it must be barred from the H-1 and green card filing for at least two years.

    What this tell us is:

    1. Its really not a joke to go around benching people without pay.
    2. All it takes its an official complaint to be filed with Department of labor. And although it takes time, the department of labor would go after such employers and do the neccesary "Treatment" and "therapy" needed to teach such employers a lesson.
    3. It is not the employee's fault if they are not paid wages for the time they spend when they are non-productive, aka, illegal benching-without-pay. Employee's responsibility to find a gainful employment starts ONLY AFTER the employer officially terminates the employee and send USCIS the notice to revoke H1. After that, its the employee's responsibility to maintain status and legality.

    Employers like Synergy are not only a menace to their own employees, they are also a menace to the entire system. The anti-immigrants cite such employers to make their case for their own cause by saying that "H1Bs are exploited and H1Bs are slaves and H1Bs and immigrants are driving down wages". When in reality, H1B employees most earn the same amount or more amount than any other employee on greencard or citizenship. Such few bad apples really provide examples for our opponents on other side to create new sound bites. These are the guys who put us in trouble and provide fodder to Lou Dobbs and programmer's guild(organization against hi-tech immigration).

    I am disappointed that they are barred only for 2 years. Coz after 2 years, I can guarantee that they will be probably back to their old tricks. There is such a thing called RECIDIVISM. A tendency to revert back to previous pattern of bahavior. Pretty much like a dog's tail. No matter how long you keep a dog's tail in a straight tube, as soon as you take it out, it regains its original shape.

    However, 2 years is still 2 years. And I am going to toast to that. CHEERS !!!!!!!!!! :):)

    If anyone here has been an employee of Synergy or is still an employee, you may want to take appropriate steps to change your employer and check the consequence to your immigration status and GC status.

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  • girls with light rown hair

  • morchu
    04-23 09:28 PM
    "date of actual move"

    I understand the 10-day rule, but when does the clock start?
    The date of lease starting or the date of actual move.....ideally these shouldnt be too far apart, but in my case they will be, hence the confusion.



    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. 10, Cartoon
  • 10, Cartoon

  • msgoud
    03-07 10:05 PM
    my brother got recently married and his wife went to stamping in kolkata and they gave 221g for h4 and 2 days later they even cancelled my brothers exiting stamped H1 and his visa.he is in IT industry

    any ideas whats next for him.
    does he need to apply for a new H1B or can any lawyer help him convince.

    cartoon girl with brown hair and brown. kids, Cartoon
  • kids, Cartoon

  • JBarnhill
    March 4th, 2010, 11:55 AM
    Just saw how old this post was!! Sorry

    I-94 expired [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : I-94 expired

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  • pics, Cartoon

  • chintu25
    01-15 11:01 PM


    03-05 11:23 AM
    Congratulations All , good to know that eb3 to eb2 case is going through.

    what happens in the case of eb2 i140 denial for the existing eb3 case (i140 approved and i485 pending ) with the same employer .

    Thanks in Advance .

    Dakshini R. Sen
    06-25 10:33 AM
    Yes, until her I-485 application is approved she can apply for the EAD as well as the AP. Provided you have received the permanent residency card, you do not have to do anything. AC21 filing is irrelevant in your case.

    Dakshini R. Sen, P.C.
    Law Offices of Dakshini R. Sen P.C. , Immigration Lawyer US. (

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