athena greek goddess

athena greek goddess. Ancient Greek Goddess Athena
  • Ancient Greek Goddess Athena

  • whatever
    Nov 21, 12:09 PM
    a conversation i just had with a mac specialist.

    You are chatting with Scott C, an Apple Expert
    scott- Hi, my name is Scott C. How may I help you today?
    me- im just checking out this new applestore online feature
    me- its pretty cool
    scott- Good morning
    me- can i pre-order my iPhone here when it comes out in january?
    me- how much is that going to run, i want to order that now.
    scott- I am not familiar with the iPhone.
    me- oh
    me- you are not familiar with it?
    me- well i was going to wait for it to come out so i could buy it and use it as my phone
    scott- I am unaware of any future or unreleased products.
    me- but since you are unfamiliar with it, im going to go buy a microsoft windows phone and lock myself into a 2 year contract in which i will be unable to purchase any other phone
    i wont be buying the iPhone. :(
    i thought it was coming out soon
    but since you are unaware, im going to have to get myself an HP iPaq
    scott- There are rumors posted online about it, but I am unaware of any factual information about it.
    me- oh
    me- i heard about it on TV though
    me- im one of those people who believes everything they see on TV, not really... but i was quite taken by the iphone they showed on TV and i was going to wait because i know Apple releases the highest quality products i know of. buying the phone they made was going to be my next tech purchase
    but now i am going to go get a $400 HP iPaq and lock myself into it for 2 years
    scott- Well, it might be worth it to wait and see if Apple does release one then.
    me- oooookkkk
    me- thank you
    scott- Thank you for visiting the Apple Store. We appreciate your business.
    me- thank you for chatting
    A convesation that bboyredcel had with himself.

    bboyredcel- Hi, I'm a stupid moron and I want to show people that I think I'm really cute.

    himself- Let's pretend you, bboyredcel, call Apple and ask them about the iPhone.

    bboyredcel- Yeah and I, bboyredcel, can pretend that I know more than the Apple Expert.

    himself- You could then threaten to purchase a competitor's product.

    bboyredcel- Yeah, I bet that would really upset him.

    himself- And while you're at it you can show the world or at least those who read this page, how stupid you really are.

    bboyredcel- What.

    himself- Well, everyone who reads MacRumors should know how Apple operates by now. You might as well be calling Apple about a rumored iPizzaMaker or something.

    bboyredcel- Really Apple is working on an iPizzaMaker.

    himself- God, I wish someone would just lobotomize me!

    athena greek goddess. Brown Greek Goddess Athena
  • Brown Greek Goddess Athena

  • Tanegashima
    Mar 13, 10:37 PM
    When? I've got enough of 11A390, it's pretty buggy, on a level with par with Windows Vista.

    athena greek goddess. athena.png Athena
  • athena.png Athena

  • macbookpro45
    Jun 20, 12:36 PM
    Yeah...looking to see what time you're getting there / if you want to meet up and coordinate broom breaks or whatever. pm me or post here.

    athena greek goddess. The Greek goddess
  • The Greek goddess

  • Full of Win
    Apr 4, 10:05 AM
    It may be from the weakening ( or collapsing) USD, and Apple increasing prices to AT&T. Then again, it may be sheer greed.


    athena greek goddess. See other Greek Goddess
  • See other Greek Goddess

  • jrko
    Apr 7, 09:58 AM
    I'll jump on NAP mode a bit later.

    Just put a drill bit through my middle finger (tore straight through and took some bone with it as well :() whilst wiring the house network up. Having a rest.

    BTW itunes drive is in PPC but my apple tv says i need itunes 10.2 to stream. downloaded 10.2 and it needs OSX 10.5

    Is there a way around that? if not why is 10.5 so flaming expensive?

    athena greek goddess. The Greek Goddess Athena
  • The Greek Goddess Athena

  • SciFrog
    Apr 23, 11:23 AM
    The CPUs running bigadv especially are much more efficient (better ppd/watt) than GPUs...


    athena greek goddess. athena greek goddess. has
  • athena greek goddess. has

  • simsaladimbamba
    May 2, 03:10 PM
    If it is a .zip file, double click on it, as Mac OS X can extract .zip files natively. If that doesn't work or if it is not a .zip file, take a look at The Unarchiver.

    athena greek goddess. Greek Goddess .. Athena by
  • Greek Goddess .. Athena by

  • Gen
    Apr 27, 10:35 PM
    Why release it now? Why not wait until September?


    athena greek goddess. Greek+goddess+athena+facts
  • Greek+goddess+athena+facts

  • iPhone1
    Sep 4, 10:14 AM
    I actually do like the new iTunes logo. Wondering if they will change it in iOS as well.

    athena greek goddess. Athena, Greek goddess of
  • Athena, Greek goddess of

  • Joe Bannon
    Feb 20, 10:22 PM
    It's good, got my first one last week. It does get hot, really hot, but it's best interface I have ever heard. Going to add some heat sinks to the chips, that will help. Perfect timing with Pro Tools 9.


    athena greek goddess. skin art,athena greek gods
  • skin art,athena greek gods

  • rickvanr
    Sep 27, 12:54 AM
    As others have mentioned, if you're worried about him having sex because he's staying the night he's probably having sex at other times of the day. If you don't want him staying over, tell him.

    Either way, buy him some condoms. At least he's getting exercise.

    athena greek goddess. the greek goddess pallas
  • the greek goddess pallas

  • VoR
    Apr 6, 02:26 PM

    Pretty amazing considering the date and cost....

    Much more interested in this sort of solution over the typical enterprise that simply phones up a vendor and orders a SAN.


    athena greek goddess. Weird Family of Greek Gods
  • Weird Family of Greek Gods

  • rlobo
    Apr 21, 11:55 AM
    I'm very proud of announce my newest iOS game - Star Wings.



    Star Wings is an interstellar arcade game where you explore the universe controlling a spaceship, facing beautiful planets and dealing with gravity fields, asteroids, black holes, white holes, space mines, enemy turrets and a lot of physics-based elements that transform each of the 36 missions in an unique and unforgettable adventure.

    The spaceship is smoothly controlled by touching the screen where you wants to go, allowing you to pass through checkpoints, fly around planets and collect stars in your way.

    But the space is full of hazards! The enemy force intend to conquer the entire universe and you must be prepared to confront enemy turrets and avoid space mines. Also, asteroids and black holes can be very trick to deal with. If the spaceship crashes into an object the mission fails.

    Be careful on controlling the ship, use the gravity in your favor and avoid be out of fuel. Good luck and become an ace of space!

    - 36 challenging missions across 4 chapters.
    - Addictive, exciting play for both novice and advanced gamers.
    - Physics-based elements such as planets, asteroids, black holes, white roles and other celestial bodies that have their own gravitational field.
    - Hazards like space mines and enemy turrets.
    - Collectable items such as stars and fuel refills.
    - Final mission score rely on several factors: number of checkpoints reached, stars collected, enemies killed and remaining fuel.
    - Awarded bronze, silver and gold medals based on mission final score.
    - Retina display graphics.
    - Supports leaderboards with Game Center.

    PS. The iPad version will be available in the next few days.


    athena greek goddess. of Athena Greek Goddess of
  • of Athena Greek Goddess of

  • pourhadi
    Jan 22, 11:37 PM
    Thanks for the link!

    Oddly though, I see the link on MacRumors, but not on


    athena greek goddess. Athena. Goddess of Wisdom
  • Athena. Goddess of Wisdom

  • fel10
    Dec 2, 02:15 AM
    Some of you by now may have noticed I always seem to have Michael Jackson or South Park wallpapers (Okay, I doubt any of you have noticed because I'm not well known) but I can't wait for his new album out in two weeks! (My wallpaper is part of the cover... had to crop it for my desktop size)

    Might switch to a Christmasy wallpaper in a week or two...

    Wasn't ur previous wallpaper the cover of "Bad"?
    Do u mind sharing the wallpaper please. I'm also a huge MJ fan. Thank in advance!

    athena greek goddess. Athena the Greek goddess
  • Athena the Greek goddess

  • jrko
    Apr 17, 05:40 AM
    running a carbon copy cloner run of my itunes 1.3Tb library to its matching backup, a first run of time machine backup to another drive and checking for artwork in itunes - its making a steady 50 deg which aint bad for a machine with a 90% load


    athena greek goddess. Goddess Athena greek plaster
  • Goddess Athena greek plaster

  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 10:29 AM
    Thanks, Huntn. Good post. Here are my thoughts on your ideas:

    There is a long term move to dismantle government social programs and who needs the truth when we can lie? You know we can't afford you social program and your school because we have these billion, thats B-I-L-L-I-O-N dollar bombers that need building.

    This is all very simplistic, but here goes:
    1. Reform Health care- one illness from bankruptcy is not acceptable for a developed country. Health care should have never been turned into a profit machine along the same lines that you don't want your police and firemen as for-profit enterprises. The larger the pool the smaller the costs.

    'turned into' a a profit machine? As opposed to... when?
    Providing health services and goods has always been a for-profit enterprise. This is exactly what has lead to the amazing growth in medical technology in the past 100 years.

    2. Cut programs before lowering taxes especially on the rich- you can't balance a budget if you have no income. If you must lower taxes, you must first cut the programs and deal with the popular unrest before cutting any taxes. This is exactly what the champion of the Republican Party did not do- Reagan, he cut taxes but not programs and this country ran the first substantial deficits since WWII.

    I tend to agree. Cut programs until our expenses match our current 'revenues.' When the two are equal or are in the black, let's immediately pass an balanged-budget amendment so this problem never happens again.

    3. Progressive Tax policies are a must- The rich are rich. Make them pay their fair share. They can afford it. Cutting their taxes to create jobs is mostly a conservative smoke screen to **** over average citizens.

    For the record, they are paying their fair share. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 95% of the income tax. Your disgusting attack on all conservatives wanting to '****' over all citizens is just that... disgusting.

    4. Stop allowing the Exportation of Jobs- If you want to keep a standard of living. Lowering the standard of living reduces income and tax revenues.

    How? Trade embargo's? Certainly you understand that increasing taxation on the wealthy and corporations certainly won't help.

    5. Enact policies that support a strong Middle Class- instead of wiping it out for the sake of the rich. A strong middle class powers the economy.

    Lower taxes? Strong business climate with low unemployment? You seem to be contradicting yourself... what strong middle class policies are you specifically talking about?

    6. Search High and Low for Corruption- No system will work if it's corrupt. Submitting thousands of fradulent Medicare claims is hurting us.

    I agree. I would start with a MASSIVE simplification of the tax code, and virtual elimination of all government subsidies over the next 5-10 years.

    7. Dismantle the War Machine- in the good ole days we could afford it. Now we can't.

    I tend to agree. Reduce the budget by half, let them become more efficient and more reliant on technology. Take a more defensive posture around the globe and avoid entangling alliances, etc. abroad. That being said, I believe its important for us to maintain a strong national DEFENSE. We do have enemies... and defense is one of the primary constitutional roles of the federal government.

    Almost half the traffic on the Internet comes from mobile devices. Again, it's common courtesy.

    The charts look amazing on my iPhone.

    athena greek goddess. the olympian gods
  • the olympian gods

  • Vector
    Aug 21, 11:57 AM
    Awww! Thanks. :)

    athena greek goddess. ATHENA Greek Goddess of Warand yet, still sounds sultry too With my Marine Heritageperfect… So this weekend…ride on….run on…but don#39;t sit on the
  • ATHENA Greek Goddess of Warand yet, still sounds sultry too With my Marine Heritageperfect… So this weekend…ride on….run on…but don#39;t sit on the

  • scotty96LSC
    Dec 3, 07:53 PM
    Link ( 6rls%3Den%26biw%3D1405%26bih%3D655%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C4042&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1090&vpy=221&dur=414&hovh=137&hovw=219&tx=209&ty=93&oei=v535TIbUPMKAlAf1q42pBw&esq=14&page=8&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:159&biw=1405&bih=655)

    Apr 20, 07:38 PM
    most of the people in the other threads similar to this said it runs great

    Apr 27, 06:14 PM
    If Apple wasn't doing something creepy for advertising purposes, they were at least thinking about it.

    Google's slogan is what, "Don't be evil?" They don't always succeed. I'd suggest one thing to Apple "Don't be Google."

    Oct 31, 10:43 AM
    You can remove your recommendation (set the rank to "Del")

    It doesn't matter if there's a song with zero recommendations.

    Eventually, we can purge them.


    Jan 25, 10:08 AM
    Hi All,

    First off I am new here, so Hi again

    I have a small problem getting Microsoft Outlook 2001 to use my 2003 Exchange server. I have to admit I am new to macs and am finding it a little hard to do anything but I am trying.

    From what I can tell is that for some reason my the mac will not resolve the server name to an ip address. I mean when I look in the Outlook settings, under services --> properties if I place the servers IP address there and then the user name and then 'check the name' it resolves the name of the server and under lines the user name (which as far as I am concerned has worked).

    Yet when I then launch Outlook I get a message saying folders could not be opened. The attempt to log on to the server failed..... Microdoft Outlook could not be started. The attempt to log on to the MS Exchange Server failed....................

    What I have done so far:-
    Updated the /etc/hosts file and added the ip address for the server (can ping both IP and name from the console and network util)
    When in Outlook settings --> properties and user the server name instead of the IP address and try and check name I get an error.. The name could not be resolved. Network problems are preventing connection to the MS Exchange Server, Contact your system adminsitrator (me).

    Sorry for the long post but this is a real problem. Any help would be much appreciated.


    PS The only thing I can sort of think of at the moment is that Outlook starts I think in classic mode??? I am not sure if this starts a new shell and therefore ignores the /etc/hosts file and that is the reason why it can not resolve the server name. If I am right my next question would be where is the hosts file for the classic enviroment??

    Oct 5, 05:54 PM
    I'm not sure about the geektool script, but I like the overall look so far. (

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