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  • Dhundhun
    05-15 10:21 AM
    USCIS passed a rule that it will start giving 2 years EAD. Inspite of that, several people last year got 1 year EADs or worse, they would get EAD starts dates 2 to 3 months before the expiry of the first EAD just because they applied early..... basically they got a EAD for only 9 months!

    I may be wrong, but I had different impression. If officer felt that GC can be given in one year they issued 1 year EAD, other wise 2 years EAD. When I got 2 years EAD, I was not happy about it.

    But several things go wrong and people might not have got GC despite getting 1 year EAD. I feel that people getting 1 year EAD must have every thing ready, just waiting for their Visa Number.

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  • Lasantha
    04-07 10:25 AM
    This is not a bad idea. But having to wait 5 years for your citizenshipis is only a minor inconvenience compared to all the other more pressing problems we have right now with the retrogression. So I think we should be more concerned with issues like visa recapture, getting USCIS to be more efficient so the visas will not go to waste each year etc. If we can get all these things acheived then your suggestion would be a nice icing on the cake.

    I was wondering if any one in the core or other members think about the next step towards getting citizenship after passing the hurdles of getting the green card. If a person is here for 10 years and then get his green card (average period), then he need to wait for another 5 years to get the citizenship. 15 years for this process in a person's life is too much.
    IV Core can push or lobby for a law which can make the person a US citizen, if he is living in US for 10 years legally without any issues and paying taxes for the entire period. It is just my idea.

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  • senthil1
    06-26 06:11 PM
    Lawyers are creating rumors based on some misunderstanding???

    I am not sure how far it is true, but this is the content of the email I got from my attorney when I pressed him to file at the earlierst.

    "As soon as we have these forms back, all of the evidence for filing remaining from you, and I review the completed filing, we will file it. We appreciate your interest in filing on the first day the filing allows. We will endeavor to do that. I should point out that the current bulletin allows for filings throughout July. It is possible that the filings could be discontinued later in July. We are in touch with officials in Washington about this issue and will file your application in a timely fashion for obtaining the benefit when the filing is properly prepared."

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  • windycloud
    05-16 04:36 PM
    Thank you very much!! I'm ready to participate in any way I can.

    As a seperate note. We may want to go here and raise the PERM audit issue. I know it's not DOL but at least it's a direct channel...


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  • vijay1974
    10-05 10:43 PM
    THE DARKEST HOUR OF THE NIGHT IS BEFORE DAWN.....but we will have to fight till the Dawn....

    Don't stress out too much!!! Sleep calmly till dawn and believe me next morning will be more rewarding.

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  • Desi Unlucky
    05-16 05:45 PM
    Called 4 of them, was happy to hear them say that they are recieving a lot of calls. Will call the remaining Monday


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  • tonyHK12
    01-13 06:25 AM
    "Also the EB queue needs to be considered while moving to the skill based one" - I don't know what you meant by this line but I am in no mood to restart my GC application (for which I have been waiting for the past 9 years) just because some genius (whoever that person was) woke up one morning and decided that all the applications need to be reformed into a points based system.

    Of course we are all in the EB queues. I don't want to discuss details of any campaigns in the public forum. You could volunteer for this too and suggest your ideas to 'StarSun' and clear your doubts.

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  • user1205
    05-16 07:14 PM
    I'm calling on my way home from work.

    I've also sent emails to my local representatives and senators. See below (parts were taken from Ron G).
    While I agree that calling on the CHC reps could have some success, calling on the others might be even better. Just my 2 cents.

    Dear Rep. xxx

    I am appalled that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus is being allowed to
    dictate immigration policy to the United States Congress. As your
    constituent, I demand that you notify Speaker Pelosi that you earnestly
    desire that she stop giving in to the CHC and allow legislation to proceed
    to the floor for a vote.

    The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has decided that there will be no
    immigration legislation considered by Congress unless it includes an
    amnesty for illegal aliens. While I sympathize with the problems they're
    facing, it is no reason to keep all immigration bills hostage and ruin the
    lives of so many people.

    I have been legally in this country for x years studying, working and
    paying taxes. I have a Masters Degree in xxx from xxx. Our lives have been in limbo for the last 4 years waiting for our green card application to be
    approved. Any of the bills currently introduced for the EB community
    would give relief to many people caught for years in this waiting game.

    It is time for the tail to stop wagging the dog. This nonsense must end.

    With Regards,


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  • chintu25
    01-15 07:39 AM
    Watches for Today


    Do not ever Trade in Pre Market.High Volatility , super easy to loose your shirt

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  • learning01
    02-01 07:55 PM
    This is from SA 187's text and 180. Looks like the amendments are similar.. in some respects... the pages #s are same, may be a goof up by congressioanl staff..
    187. S.AMDT.187 to H.R.2 In the nature of a substitute.
    Sponsor: Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] (introduced 1/24/2007) Cosponsors (4)
    Latest Major Action: 1/24/2007 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 187 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
    Page: S1089
    Subtitle A--Border Security Strategic Planning
    Subtitle B--Border Infrastructure, Technology Integration, and Security...
    Subtitle C--International Border Enforcement

    Amends: H.R.2 , S.AMDT.143
    Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (submitted 1/24/2007)
    AMENDMENT PURPOSE: Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.



    Page: S1089
    Subtitle A--Border Security Strategic Planning
    Subtitle B--Border Infrastructure, Technology Integration, and Security...
    Subtitle C--International Border Enforcement


    My apologies to everyone:

    SA180 contains the interesting provision but I donot know its status. On the other hand SA 187 which has nothing to do with us passed.

    If any of you can please try to find out what happened to SA180.


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  • caydee
    01-01 09:50 PM
    Hi Anshal,

    Please check this CSPA clause ( fb0) ( fb0)

    "(5) Visa Availability Date Regression . If a visa availability date regresses, and an alien has already filed a Form I-485 based on an approved Form I-130 or Form I-140, USCIS should retain the Form I-485 and note the visa availability date at the time the Form I-485 was filed. Once the visa number again becomes available for that preference category, determine whether the beneficiary is a “child” using the visa availability date marked on the Form I-485. If, however, an alien has not filed a Form I-485 prior to the visa availability date regressing, and then files a Form I-485 when the visa availability date again becomes current, the alien’s “age” should be determined using the subsequent visa availability date."

    Speak to your attorney and post his/her views please.


    I am confused about CSPA
    My child will turn 21 march 2009, currently on EAD from the I485 filling in July 07, I140 approved in July 07, PD is Feb 07. I have not received any letter from USCIS about the immigration age of child being locked in at filling. Where does my child stand now?.

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  • pray
    08-28 05:48 PM
    The only and simple way to stop H1B abuse is to allow only max 10% non-immigrant (H1, L1, TN etc) employee in a company. Rest 90% have to be Green Card or Citizen. These desi consulting, Indian big companies must be hving at leaset 90 % employees on non-immigrant status.

    Simple and universal rule that will solve all the H1B problems

    I think you are absolutely correct,most abuses will stop then.Also if whistleblowers are given protection and EADs to work on more abuses will come to light.


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  • amitjoey
    01-18 03:18 PM
    I just signed up for $20/month recurring deposit.
    Thanks to the core members and volunteers for working hard on this immigration issue. Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel and hope it's not a never ending tunnel :)
    I have asked a few of my friends to contribute, but as somebody else has mentioned, it's extremely hard to convince people to contribute. We can't force them :D

    Go Immigration Voice !!! Let our collective voices be heard loud and clear ;)

    Thanks hopeful08 and rpatel. Need 886 members

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  • kondur_007
    04-13 02:46 PM
    Here are my thoughts about May visa Bulletin:

    The severe retrogression of EB3 has nothing to do with EB1C (if at all this will affect something, that would be spill over to EB2). This severe retrogression is the result of "FBI name check backlog" being cleared up. We never had actual info as to how many of "super old" cases were pending due to this: Now that they have cleared it up over the past year, it seems to me that it used up most of the visa numbers for EB3 during this fiscal year. This is actually a good news for the people who were waiting for almost a decade, but not so good news for the recent filers.

    The main uncertainty is: How many more visa numbers would be needed to actually finish this "name check backlog"...we simply don't know; hopefully not too many.

    Impact of this on EB2 would be of similar magnitude and therefore, we can consider that this fiscal year got "almost completely chewed up" in clearing those name check cases. For EB2, actual impact wouldbe apparent (hopefully) in the last quarter when EB2 India an china will move toghether (if the dates are similar like last fiscal year; i.e. 2006, then we can say that it took "year worth of visa numbers" to fix the name check mess. At the same time, some of the effect would be due to EB1C, but I personally have serious doubt that it would have changed much compared to previous years (we will only come to know about EB1C impact once the year end stats will be out and if we see significant change in EB1 usage)..

    In any case, "EB2 being current in one year" dream of VDLRAO will not come true (I personally supported this thought last year), mainly because of clearing of FBI name check backlog (which is actually a good thing). However, actual impact on EB2 will be clarified only once spill over starts to EB2 and dates of India and china move together.

    Any additional thoughts would be welcome.

    (PS: I do not know much about EB1C, and as I mentioned above, actual impact of it would be difficult to determine until the EB1 usage numbers come out, but I sincerely dont think it had anything to do with EB3 being unavailable so early).


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  • vikra007
    04-08 06:42 PM
    I will try to explain the process it takes to get qualified for EB1C.

    You will need to be outside USA for an year working as an Executive or manager. Come back to USA in that role. So the appropriate visa will be L1A. Most Indian companies require atleast 5-6 years of experience before they look at your resume for a manager. Most of the managers now a days get fired if their targets are not met in couple of quarters. So staying in that position for couple of years it self is a big deal. Now they need to prove the candiate valid for L1A position. Face a visa interview and come here and start working. Even if the same company is sponsering the L1A. Compaines usually wait for an year or two before they file I140. This application wll rot in CIS queue for long enough before they get a decision and GC.

    This is the actual process.. If some company works in an apartment in India with one man show and tries to get an L1A, I am not sure if they will get through and get a VISA??? It is quite common that we have more EB1Cs becos, the number of Desi companies have grown. So if you think you are experienced and want to give a shot, try it. These kind of complaints in a longer run will bite us by delaying the applications and building backlogs..

    I think it has become a standard process after any visa bulletin. We try to fight on EB2/EB3 or India vs. ROW or AP in India vs. rest of India. This time it happened to be EB1 vs. rest of EB..

    The system is already screwed.. Lets not add more delays.. If we want to complain, lets complain about the root cause of the problem.. i.e. CIS wasted visas that caused these backlogs..
    Just ask your self a question, if you were given GC tomorrow will you care who comes next or how one comes here??? Atleast I won't. There is a whole department paid to do this job..
    Since there are so many sympathizers for genuine phds not getting EB1 approved, is there any way we can support HR 1791 bill presented by Senator Flake?

    this bill is already introduced and it can get approved easily if we can call for support. This would free up some EB quota for EB2/3.

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  • eb3retro
    06-26 10:08 AM
    reddymjm, when do u think u will be greened?

    You might be greened in SEP 2010.


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  • Saralayar
    04-07 10:17 AM
    Having 8 post or 800 should not count for seniority. we should be able to ask ourselves how much productive contribution we have towards this forum instead of how much contribution we have to this forum. QUALITY is what that matters more than QUANTITY.

    Just my thoughts.
    I accept that but see how childish he/she responded. If he/she deffer from my idea, he/she can very well deliver it in a gentle way. That shows the immaturity of the person.

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  • eagerr2i
    12-13 01:37 PM
    FYI, I added a member yesterday and at the end of our meeting he gave me a $100 check for IV.

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  • nomorehope
    05-01 02:36 PM
    This is my status for my LC application in Atlanta... close to six months waiting for an audit reply...

    1) Applied Date - 9/2007
    2) Audit Date - 10/2007
    3) Audit Reply Date - 11/2007
    4) Category - EB2

    06-29 12:05 PM
    What USCIS did to the other worker category in June was clearly a violation of Federal regulation (8 CFR Section 245.1(g)) - however since the numbers were insignificant, the violation went unnoticed.

    It goes without saying that AILA will file a federal law suit seeking immediate interim relief, if the USCIS does this again...

    The repercussions of such a law suit will be worse for the USCIS and very good for the filers. If the judge grants interim relief, that will mean USCIS cannot close the doors until the law suit is settled...USCIS is probably already aware of this possible repercussion and will most certainly avoid this lawsuit situation...

    There are an estimated 250,000 (primary) filers expected to take advantage of the July visa bulletin...a number that is hard to go unnoticed...

    AILA has already sent a legal memo to the USCIS, not to violate Federal regulation (8 CFR Section 245.1(g)), he is pretty confident, USCIS will continue to accept I-485s at least until the end of July...

    Chicago Desi
    06-14 02:03 PM
    Hastert Deals Blow to Immigration Bill

    The Associated Press
    Tuesday, June 13, 2006; 7:57 PM

    WASHINGTON -- Hopes for a quick compromise on immigration were dealt a blow Tuesday after House Speaker Dennis Hastert said he wanted to take a "long look" at a Senate bill offering possible citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants.

    Hastert said hearings on the Senate bill should be held before appointing anyone to a House-Senate committee to negotiate a compromise immigration bill. Later, he said he was unsure what the House's next move would be.

    The Immigration Debate
    IMG ALT The Washington Post's coverage of the immigration issue, from the politics of revising the nation's immigration laws to the impact of illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border and the Washington region.

    "We're going to take a long look at it," Hastert said late Tuesday.

    <sarcasm>Yeah, good idea. Lets snooze for 10 billion years.</sarcasm>

    Seriously, legals like us dont have any hope at this moment. Legals should be treated separately from illegals (or legals can wait for a miracle).

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