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  • anilsal
    01-28 12:25 AM
    What about others?

    Ready to file your EAD/AP renewal? :cool:

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  • vamsi_poondla
    01-20 11:56 PM
    I wrote two copies of handwritten letters. I will mail them tomorrow. Now I can bash all fence sitters with no guilt :-) Kidding.

    Folks, please resolve to write the letter at least today Dr. MLK's Birthday. He fought for civil rights and we are fighting for human rights...well not really but still a serious issue for over half million future Americans (or parents of Americans)

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  • GCwaitforever
    07-20 07:01 PM
    Please participate in the immigration lawyers conference call on 28th.

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  • rajenk
    02-07 08:57 PM
    Hi Guys,

    Isn't EAD application I-765? What is I-131? Excuse my poor knowledge on the USCIS forms


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  • chanduv23
    12-08 10:45 PM
    Dear Fellow IVans,
    While we all want to reap benefits of IV, we must keep IV financially strong. A lot of money is needed for professional lobbying. Thats how things work here in America. Nothing is for free here. IV has been the only organization working collectively for your secure future.
    Your continued contributions go a long way towards the grassroots efforts. So please contribute.

    If you have never contributed to IV in any form till now, this is the best chance. This is the best time to step in and chip in with some financial help. Just think of it as 1 month without cable Television.

    So at the least, please step forward and walk the extra mile and contribute. Please contribute for your own cause.

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  • GCcomesoon
    10-31 02:39 PM
    Its been more than 90 days for me and I don't have even a receipt no.Lawyer says that things have been delayed. Can it be delayed so much that I don't have even receipt no ? :confused:


    I got my EAD approved last week on 10/25 after 143 days.I had made 2 info pass appointments, had called USCIS & created 2 service requests after which I guess even my attorney had called USCIS . Only after all this , the message on USCIS online showed that "Card ordered" Actually I have to still receive my physical card in hand. Can you believe even my FP is pending for last almost 5 months now ?


    Priority date - 05/2003
    140 approved - 10/2006 from TSC
    485,131,765 RD-6/04/2007 at TSC, notices received - 06/07/2007
    CA, EB2
    Wife's case returned due to some error,send it again & received on 06/17/2007 as per Fedex
    Wife's case RD- 7/10/2007

    LUD in my case - I131 - 7/10/07, approved - 7/24/07
    LUD in my case - 1131,485,765, - 7/11/07
    LUD in spouse's case - I131-7/11/07
    EAD cleared for spouse - 08/20/07
    FP for spouse - 08/08/07 , I rescheduled it.
    FP scheduled - 10/03/07 - Done
    AP approved for spouse - 09/12/07
    EAD -10/25 - message - Card ordered online.
    Still waiting for actual EAD card & FP


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  • rkumar18
    07-08 11:22 PM
    Even I feel very selfish to go ask for their help for a set of relatively well to do, when we know we don't pay taxes in "motherland" Most of us graduated on Goverment Money and not giving anything back.

    what an irony...asking our government to help us become permanent residents to another country!!

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  • transpass
    07-30 12:37 AM
    This particular EB1 gc aspirant has been waiting for his gc even after 2-3 years of his PD becoming current. He don't want EB1 applications to be subjected to the processing times set for EB2/EB3 etc.

    His point is, it does not make sense to wait 2-3 years for a GC once his date is current.

    I don't think that was what he was implying. He was saying EB1s are lumped with other categories for adjudication purposes. I don't think that's the way CIS handles EB1. If he had waited for 2-3 yrs., his case might be an outlier, but I know several people with EB1 have gotten their GCs within few months of filing...Moreover, it does not have several steps like labor, etc. and it's anyway shorter time frame than other categories, and it's pretty much current all the time...


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  • sands_14
    07-26 10:55 AM
    i guess it wa

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  • sajimm
    08-16 11:21 PM
    Me and my wife took the chest X-ray and didn�t take the TB skin test. Doctor has checked the �not taken� check box for the skin test and �negative� under the X-ray section in the medical report.

    Wondering this is going to get us in trouble

    Anyone else in the same situation?

    PD 2003 April EB3
    485 applied - June 27th, Receipt and FP notice received.


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  • pani_6
    11-16 04:15 PM
    Celebrated for Krishna killing of the evil Narakasura.Unfortunately..this has become commercial like chirstmas and people forget the real reason and start interpreting thier own stories..it also marks Ram's return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan.

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  • aachoo
    09-17 01:11 AM
    When AP is approved, you get 3 copies. I went twice on intl trips and each time they took a copy. I am left with 1 copy of the AP.

    Now I need to go on one last intl trip (I have applied for renewal). I just have one copy of AP with me.

    How does it work? Will the officer just stamp the AP and make a copy?

    The officer made a copy and returned the original to me the second time I travelled. But I had only 2 copies to begin with. Not sure how you have 3. They did'nt even ask me- I guess they are so used to it (I flew in to SFO)


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  • mantagon
    09-23 02:12 PM
    to convince them by saying that if a person can legally work in the US, a fact they acknowledge, the person can very well study! I don't think there would be any law that explicitly states this because it seems to be illogical that someone can work legally in a country, but not study! The reverse makes sense and that's why there are explicit laws about that. Good luck!

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  • ThinkTwice
    07-11 05:59 PM
    the bay area.

    - SFSU
    - SJSU

    Please post this info for ALL international students.


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  • cpolisetti
    03-31 03:56 PM
    She was also available for Q&A earlier today on Washington Post. I am quoting one question and answer in particular. Probably she can help in more visibilty of our voice?

    Here is the link for todays Q&A:


    Question from Washington, D.C.: Thank you for your informative article on a topic that needs more attention.

    I'm trying to get an sense of the scope of the problem from the perspective of an H-1B visa holder. Just how long does it typically take professionals from India and China/Taiwan to get a green card through their employer these days? What disinsentives are there for employers, other than the risk that the green card may not be approved and their employee will have to return to their home country?

    Answer from S. Mitra Kalita: Absent from much of this debate are the voices of H-1B holders themselves and I thank you for your question. I talked to someone who wouldn't allow himself to be quoted by name (so I did not use him in today's story) but this particular individual's story is one I hear often: He has been here for nine years, first on a student visa, then an H-1B. His employer applied for his green card in 2002 and he has been waiting four years because it is tied up in the backlog for labor certification. He said he is giving it six more months and if it doesn't come through, he's heading back to India. This stage is the one that a lot of observers agree where a worker risks being exploited. They are beholden to the employer because of the green card sponsorship (an H-1B visa can travel with a worker from one company to another, however) and cannot get promoted because that is technically a change in job classification -- and would require a new application. On the other hand, a lot of companies say that they know once someone gets a green card, they are out the door because suddenly they can start a company, go work for someone else, get promoted... Anyway, I could go on and on with background on this but instead I will post a story I did last summer on the green card backlog. Hang on.

    Todays article:

    Most See Visa Program as Severely Flawed

    By S. Mitra Kalita
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, March 31, 2006; D01

    Somewhere in the debate over immigration and the future of illegal workers, another, less-publicized fight is being waged over those who toil in air-conditioned offices, earn up to six-figure salaries and spend their days programming and punching code.

    They are foreign workers who arrive on H-1B visas, mostly young men from India and China tapped for skilled jobs such as software engineers and systems analysts. Unlike seasonal guest workers who stay for about 10 months, H-1B workers stay as long as six years. By then, they must obtain a green card or go back home.

    Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony for and against expanding the H-1B program. This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation that would increase the H-1B cap to 115,000 from 65,000 and allow some foreign students to bypass the program altogether and immediately get sponsored for green cards, which allow immigrants to be permanent residents, free to live and work in the United States.

    But underlying the arguments is a belief, even among the workers themselves, that the current H-1B program is severely flawed.

    Opponents say the highly skilled foreign workers compete with and depress the wages of native-born Americans.

    Supporters say foreign workers stimulate the economy, create more opportunities for their U.S. counterparts and prevent jobs from being outsourced overseas. The problem, they say, is the cumbersome process: Immigrants often spend six years as guest workers and then wait for green card sponsorship and approval.

    At the House committee hearing yesterday, Stuart Anderson, executive director of the National Foundation for American Policy, a nonprofit research group, spoke in favor of raising the cap. Still, he said in an interview, the H-1B visa is far from ideal. "What you want to have is a system where people can get hired directly on green cards in 30 to 60 days," he said.

    Economists seem divided on whether highly skilled immigrants depress wages for U.S. workers. In 2003, a study for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found no effect on salaries, with an average income for both H-1B and American computer programmers of $55,000.

    Still, the study by Madeline Zavodny, now an economics professor at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga., concluded "that unemployment was higher as a result of these H-1B workers."

    In a working paper released this week, Harvard University economist George J. Borjas studied the wages of foreigners and native-born Americans with doctorates, concluding that the foreigners lowered the wages of competing workers by 3 to 4 percent. He said he suspected that his conclusion also measured the effects of H-1B visas.

    "If there is a demand for engineers and no foreigners to take those jobs, salaries would shoot through the roof and make that very attractive for Americans," Borjas said.

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-USA says H-1B salaries are lower. "Those who are here on H-1B visas are being worked as indentured servants. They are being paid $13,000 less in the engineering and science worlds," said Ralph W. Wyndrum Jr., president of the advocacy group for technical professionals, which favors green-card-based immigration, but only for exceptional candidates.

    Wyndrum said the current system allows foreign skilled workers to "take jobs away from equally good American engineers and scientists." He based his statements about salary disparities on a December report by John Miano, a software engineer, who favors tighter immigration controls. Miano spoke at the House hearing and cited figures from the Occupational Employment Statistics program that show U.S. computer programmers earn an average $65,000 a year, compared with $52,000 for H-1B programmers.

    "Is it really a guest-worker program since most people want to stay here? Miano said in an interview. "There is direct displacement of American workers."

    Those who recruit and hire retort that a global economy mandates finding the best employees in the world, not just the United States. And because green-card caps are allocated equally among countries (India and China are backlogged, for example), the H-1B becomes the easiest way to hire foreigners.

    It is not always easy. Last year, Razorsight Corp., a technology company with offices in Fairfax and Bangalore, India, tried to sponsor more H-1B visas -- but they already were exhausted for the year. Currently, the company has 12 H-1B workers on a U.S. staff of 100, earning $80,000 to $120,000 a year.

    Charlie Thomas, Razorsight's chief executive, said the cap should be based on market demand. "It's absolutely essential for us to have access to a global talent," he said. "If your product isn't the best it can be with the best cost structure and development, then someone else will do it. And that someone else may not be a U.S.-based company."

    Because H-1B holders can switch employers to sponsor their visas, some workers said they demand salary increases along the way. But once a company sponsors their green cards, workers say they don't expect to be promoted or given a raise.

    Now some H-1B holders are watching to see how Congress treats the millions of immigrants who crossed the borders through stealthier means.

    Sameer Chandra, 30, who lives in Fairfax and works as a systems analyst on an H-1B visa, said he is concerned that Congress might make it easier for immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally to get a green card than people like him. "What is the point of staying here legally?" he said.

    His Houston-based company has sponsored his green card, and Chandra said he hopes it is processed quickly. If it is not, he said, he will return to India. "There's a lot of opportunities there in my country."


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  • jliechty
    January 7th, 2005, 05:34 PM
    Sigma makes a good macro, as does Tamron and of course Nikon. I would buy the Nikon if I had the largest budget, but the others are not far off, if any different at all, in the quality of images that they can produce. One of the members here speaks highly of his equivalent Sigma macro (except in Canon mount).

    With that said, it's a very bad idea to order anything from the site you mentioned. Check ResellerRatings (http://www.resellerratings.com/) to see some feedback before ordering anything from an online dealer. I highly recommend B&H (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/) for new gear and accessories, and KEH for used items. I have ordered from both numerous times, and have always been satisfied.

    Edit: as an afterthought, I must add that anyone who tells you that your underexposure is caused by using a 35mm lens on a reduced-frame DSLR is full of "it." The only "disadvantage" of using a 35mm-based lens on most DSLRs is that the image is cropped, so the angle of view is equivalent to a lens on a 35mm camera that is 1.5X longer. There are "digital" lenses (Nikon DX or Canon EF-S) which can not cover a full 35mm frame, and are typically extremely wide (to compensate for the "crop factor" mentioned previously), but any "digitally integrated" or similar lens from Sigma or Tamron is nothing but marketing hype, IMHO.


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  • smiledentist
    06-14 01:36 PM
    I work as a dentist in a company which was held in partnership by 2 partners.I have a approved H1b and my I 140 is filed in May 2006.Now as of Oct 01 2006 the original company is finished as the partners have seperated.I am confused about my case, if I have to file a new H1b and 140 or an ammendment or just nothing.The tax id number for the company which will now give my paycheck has changed.As for me my work location has not changed and I still work in the same position.Can I take paychecks from the new company which now belongs to one of the partners or do I need to inform immigration to refile H1 or I140 or both.Any advice is appriciated.

    Please help, in my case my I 140 is approved under EB2 but the old company is split.I have since then joined a new company and have a new H1b but yet to start thr PERM process.I am still in good terms with both partners of the old company.Can I file 485 from the old company and use ac21.

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  • desi485
    12-21 06:32 PM
    looks like ur first post. Its not advisable to move before 180 days. If at all you have to do it, take your current employer in confidence.

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  • mmanurker
    06-06 10:15 AM
    Contributed $100...
    Transaction ID: 0LE04357M8091673D

    04-08 05:59 PM
    My Details:

    EB3 India
    PD: October 15 2003
    I-485 filed on July 2nd 2007
    I-140 Approved on Aug 15th 2007
    Texas Service Center

    06-17 11:54 AM
    I am an international student on an F1 student visa. Am I allowed to sell iPhone apps on the Apple app store (the US one)?


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