muscles of leg

muscles of leg. Arm muscles, tendons; Leg
  • Arm muscles, tendons; Leg

  • Reverend Wally
    Jan 2, 03:31 PM
    On a hunch I'm calling updated MacBook Pros.

    Did that not just happen ... :cool:

    muscles of leg. muscles of leg.
  • muscles of leg.

  • Veg
    Feb 25, 02:00 PM

    muscles of leg. muscles and leg muscles.
  • muscles and leg muscles.

  • Bonch
    Apr 21, 11:59 AM
    Al has his reasons to be concerned.

    muscles of leg. lower leg muscles
  • lower leg muscles

  • Decker
    Mar 22, 05:56 PM
    Oh, wait, I see. Voyager.

    Yes with a Whiplash Audio Elite SCSCag Viablue LOD.

    muscles of leg. muscles that need
  • muscles that need

  • Zadillo
    Oct 23, 01:18 PM
    Apple needs to get away from making such a big deal our of small updates (processor change) as Intel will have such things changing more often than motorola or ibm ever did. apple should reserve such announcements and hoopla for major revisions or complete overhauls. based on recent benchmarks there is little performance improvement in these new chips save for the speed bump.

    How exactly is Apple making a big deal out of small updates? The recent processor updates Apple has done (Core Duo to Core 2 Duo on the iMac and the speedbumped Core Duos on the MBP earlier this year) were quiet launches, with no announcements or hoopla at all really. The only real hoopla with the iMac was about the 24" screen, but it was certainly subdued. Hell, Apple made a bigger deal out of the Apple Hi-Fi.

    The only people making a big deal out of it are ourselves.

    muscles of leg. Lower Leg Muscles
  • Lower Leg Muscles

  • apb3
    Aug 16, 10:56 AM
    Though what is stopping Apple limiting it so that iTMS purchases cannot be exchanged wirelessly between pods but your own non iTMS can?

    Ok thats not ideal for the music industry in terms of 'anti-piracy' but i'm sure if Apple could alleviate their fears that no iTMS music can be transfered then there is a good feature there for something like BT on your IPOD.....

    Or maybe they will do the rendevous of the IPOD world and you can listen to peoples music in the vicinity to you but cant keep it and hence this would drive up music sales for the record companies.

    My point was that if you could buy on the fly, they'd have to enable two way sync. Not gonna happen officially. The problem/concern would be you syncing w/ other iTunes libs (edit: and they're not just concerned about ITMS purchases. I rip a CD and "share" it with you, that's illegal and a loss of income /end edit), walking home and imorting to your lib. And I already said, I KNOW you can do it but it's a hack not an officially supported and endorsed Apple method.

    As far as sharing in your range. Again a waste of battery to support this. I have what I wnat ton hear for the most part. I don't much care to drain my battery searching other users' libs (that will come and go as they wander around and in and out of range - oh great, I found a cool Streets video I don't have!! Oh wait he just left range!!!), it's short-lived enough already.

    muscles of leg. of the leg. Muscle
  • of the leg. Muscle

  • milo
    Aug 29, 12:31 PM
    ALL desktop machines......

    Apple posted their 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.

    That was before the Pro shipped, it's a safe bet since it's released desktop numbers have gone up. And that's just one quarter, I doubt desktop numbers have been on the decline for the last twelve months.

    muscles of leg. Big Leg Muscle Cartoon
  • Big Leg Muscle Cartoon

  • skottichan
    Apr 1, 01:02 AM
    CoreAudio still seems bugged to hell. 15" 2010 MBP with an i7 and 8GB of RAM, and I get skips on store-bought (so theoretically perfect) AACs when tabbing between simple apps like TextEdit and Mail and such. I mean, if I was in Aperture with a 40GB library open or something it'd be excusable... this? Not so much.

    muscles of leg. Muscles and Cutaneous Nerves
  • Muscles and Cutaneous Nerves

  • Mainyehc
    Nov 28, 03:50 PM
    I agree with almost everything you wrote (you're a pretty smart guy!) but offer two comments:

    1 - We don't know there isn't a Jobs waiting in the wings. We also don't know there isn't a Jobs in the #2 spot at some Fortune 50 company who could be in a MS executive suite in 3 years.

    2 - MS being "too proud" is exactly the kind of thing I mean when I write about not being able to predict the post-Bill future. He is certainly too proud but who knows about Bill 2.0?

    You make the point about the rank-and-file being mostly very talented and I agree. If MS gets executives who stay out of the way who knows what Zune 3.0 will be like?

    Why, thanks! English isn't even my native language... And I'm not a long-time Apple user either. But I suppose three years worth of using Macs and hangin' around MacRumors:Forums also helped, as did reading a lot (well, way too much, really) about the computer industry's history! :p

    Your points are, of course, fairly good. But this is just a clear example of me playing the role of the "ominous wishful thinker", and you that of the "devil's advocate". So I surely hope I'm right in my predictions; even though I know competition is a good thing, arguing that competition from Microsoft could possibly be a "good" thing is nothing short of an oxymoron (I'm not saying that's your opinion. The problem is, if it's you who turns out to be right, that's what the Zune will become: competition! :p ). Let's hope that some worthy competitors, both on the cosumer electronics and the PC hardware/software/operating systems, OTHER than Microsoft emerge to give Apple some eventually needed "kicks in the butt", so they don't become lazy. ;)

    'Course, if Microsoft could, hypothetically, stop being such an evil company, I'd certainly overlook their shady past and could even, Jobs forbid!, use some of their products (provided they'd be up to my typical Mac User's standards :rolleyes: ). :D

    muscles of leg. Leg Muscles
  • Leg Muscles

  • noservice2001
    Aug 24, 08:24 PM
    c'mon apple, i promise to buy one when its released...

    muscles of leg. Put the leg
  • Put the leg

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 01:08 PM
    Spam? No, just off topic. But all these posts about his one post being off topic? Now that I could consider spam.

    like i said, repeating same off-topic thing in several threads is imo spam

    muscles of leg. Back of the leg
  • Back of the leg

  • ju5tin81
    Oct 24, 06:19 AM
    Bring on the MacBooks...

    Can't afford a pro :(

    muscles of leg. Lying Leg Curls. Muscle
  • Lying Leg Curls. Muscle

  • obeygiant
    Mar 22, 12:46 PM
    Wasn't sure, so had to ask. :)

    It's such a weird notion, that people can choose their sexual orientation. But then, I don't believe that's what many really believe when they say it... instead, I get the vibe that what they mean to say is 'why can't you just closet yourself and act straight?'.

    Its also a weird notion that sexual orientation is a black and white issue. People gay or straight have sex with others contrary to their orientation all the time. Skin is skin, and the brain, the biggest sex organ in the human body, can be trained and retrained in a million different ways. Whatever turns you on is what turns you on.

    muscles of leg. It supplies the muscles that
  • It supplies the muscles that

  • ecoons
    Jan 11, 10:15 PM
    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but after looking at
    I can't help but think that Apple could come up with a user-friendly way of implementing this sort of technology. I personally think its only a matter of time before ALL chords are "cut". You set your iPod on your desk, it charges through inductive currents, your headphones do the same and communicate with your iPod through bluetooth (or some other wireless medium)...etc. And your computer, also, has no wires. Electricity is passed to it in the same sort of way. Now, wouldn't that be cool :)

    "There's something in the air"

    Maybe its just wishful thinking ;)

    [Note: After being a long time READER of Mac Rumors, I have officially made my first post.]

    muscles of leg. Muscles of Leg with Main
  • Muscles of Leg with Main

  • ldkaplan
    Jan 2, 03:07 PM
    You probably don't like penut butter cups either :-(

    I have a treo 700p...I'd much rather have a mac version of some sort to keep my calendar, listen to music and take calls. A multi-tool might not be for everyone, but there are plenty of folks that would love it. And what if it had video chat as well?

    I really like the iTV/iSight rumors. Someone needs to bring video chat for the home user to the mainstream. And if it's not dependent upon having a mac desktop (ie running some sort of light OS) then it would be a huge market hit, IMHO.

    A phone is best used to make phone calls not for music. If you want to listen to music theres a nano... I dont like the idea of putting them together compromising each other.

    Phone Compromises:
    Worst reception or larger size due to the added multimedia.
    Buttons are geared towards music instead of calls and stuff that is useful for making calls.

    iPod Compromises:
    Shorter battery life than iPod
    No Line-out for superior audio quality.
    Worst navigation for selecting songs.

    I like a great phone and a great iPod. Not an alright phone and alright iPod in one place so I cant just carry one or the other.

    muscles of leg. muscles of the leg and
  • muscles of the leg and

  • shackleb
    Apr 27, 07:41 PM
    Here is a snapshot of the website '' from Christmas of 2005:

    Note that it defines 'app' as "a computer program like a web browser or word processor", and then further notes:

    "A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind."

    Not sure when Apple's app store opened, but I know that I personally have (as others have) been using the term 'app' for many MANY years before even 2005 to refer to applications.

    Now I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that if you can't own 'drug store', 'hardware store', 'grocery store', 'software store', or 'application store', it doesn't make sense that Apple, or anyone else, could own 'app store'.

    Just sayin'

    muscles of leg. nerves, muscles of leg
  • nerves, muscles of leg

  • ILL Robinson
    Jan 12, 12:44 PM

    muscles of leg. nerves and muscles of leg
  • nerves and muscles of leg

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 27, 01:43 AM
    It was my annual Black Friday "Buy a ton of video games" day today. Most of them on sale quite a lot, so it worked out nicely. I got 6 really awesome games for just over $100....

    Fallout: New Vegas - $35
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - $30
    Need For Speed: Shift - $10
    Plants vs Zombies - $15
    Pac Man: CE-DX - $10
    'Splosion Man - $2 :eek:

    muscles of leg. A11308 Muscles of Leg with
  • A11308 Muscles of Leg with

  • PaperQueen
    Sep 20, 08:12 PM
    I have no idea haha.

    I was also looking at some 3g Leather Cases (those are my favorite style) is there any reason they wouldn't work with my 4g? For example, this one looks good:

    but would my 4g fit in there?

    The new iPod touch is more thinner and narrow compared to the 3rd gen. It's just gonna wobble around the cases if you did that.

    Unless my memory is off, things don�t line up correctly. I considered a couple of 3G cases as a temporary fix (until something irresistible comes out) while at the Apple Store. Everything I liked either made getting to the volume/power buttons challenging or they covered up something critical. Can�t recall in great detail, since each was such an obvious no-go the moment I slipped the 4G in.

    Mar 31, 12:12 AM
    It's not an update, you have to get a new code and redeem it.

    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?

    Feb 22, 11:19 AM
    Where can I get that date time thingy for my iPad!

    Here you go:

    Jan 1, 07:02 PM

    This year better be good!

    Where did you find that image? Are there others?

    Apr 26, 01:25 PM
    The general population never heard the term "App" until Apple released the iPhone.

    Nor did the general population ever shop for Apps online until Apple built the App Store.

    The abbreviation "App" used in conjunction with "store" to denote an online marketplace in which to buy applications is a unique combination that is not known in generic parlance.

    Apple will win this.

    Jul 20, 06:58 AM
    I bet that Vista will run on several year old machines. You might not get all the bells and whistles, but I don't have all the bells and whistles of Tiger on this Mac Mini of mine either. And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE. And then we have those who upgrade their existing machines.

    You are correct. Existing PCs will run Vista but without the Aqua-ripoff pretty interface. For the Aqua-ripoff (I refuse to call it anything else), that's where much more RAM and newer video cards come into play by necessity. So, essentially, you get two classes of Vista users (imagine having to write the "requirements" text for Windows software in the near-future; ugh), and a giant opportunity for the memory and video card companies, which are probably buying their magazine and Web banner ad space right now -- not that anybody should alert the media for such info.

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