Mar 28, 02:48 PM
What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?
Consultant is the opposite of a hater which is just as bad really. Apple can do no wrong in his eyes, I think he's in love with Steve Jobs or something.
Consultant is the opposite of a hater which is just as bad really. Apple can do no wrong in his eyes, I think he's in love with Steve Jobs or something.

Apr 20, 12:34 PM
The problem was that all that MS publicly announced for "Longhorn" never really made it into "vista" So while everyone knew what MS was working on, MS was unable to deliver.
This time around they're (trying) to prevent leaks of the build surfacing. So the only people who could potentially be disappointed are geeks like me who actively search for leaked Alpha & Beta features.
Theres a lot that could change though, it's still only at Milestone 3.
This time around they're (trying) to prevent leaks of the build surfacing. So the only people who could potentially be disappointed are geeks like me who actively search for leaked Alpha & Beta features.
Theres a lot that could change though, it's still only at Milestone 3.
Apr 15, 08:03 PM
Well actually we know the TSA methods don't work because both of the incidents were from European airports that mirror what the TSA does. Added to the number of weapons that make it through TSA checkpoints, it's easy to see that the TSA does in fact not work to the extent that it is expected to.
All we know is that increased security screening is not perfect. Perhaps you can extrapolate the European experience (in this case) to the TSA... but that's as far as you can go.
I understood your rather simplistic attempt at game theory just fine. The problem remains that one side is not a rational actor. The command portion of terrorists have virtually nothing to lose with a botched attempt, and neither does the fanatic patsy. A 50/50 ratio isn't good enough for our security because the downside for both command and patsy are much smaller than the upside (from their perspective). The chances of failure need to be much higher in order to effectively deter terrorists.
Do you always start with the insulting tone (see bolding) when the debate isn't going your way? I would argue that both sides are rational actors, though both sides may also employ non-rational players. The higher echelons of terrorist organizations have shown themselves to very worried about being captured by the fact that they are so hard to catch. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be going to a great deal of trouble to avoid it. Therefore, to my mind, they are rational actors. That 50/50 number is one that I threw into the argument as an "for argument's sake". Please don't rely on it for anything factual. The TSA in fact catches more than 50% of their training/testing planted weapons. And yes, I think even if the the number was as low as 50/50 a rational actor would do everything... oh heck... I've already written all that - you've not presented anything else of substance in it's place, so I'll just save my typing finger....
Sacrificing these things is appropriate when there is a tangible gain. There hasn't been much of a tangible gain with TSA, and this is coming from the head of Israeli Security. We're paying a lot and getting almost nothing in return. Every year there's a new "standard" put out there to make it seem like TSA is doing something, but time and again security experts have lambasted TSA and its efforts as a dog and pony show.
Your own opinion of flying should be an example of how ridiculous things have gotten. If people now become disgruntled and irritated every time they fly, for perhaps marginal gains in security, then our methods have failed.
That's the funny thing. I've never actually said that the TSA is the best thing around. All I've said is that the TSA is doing something. That's all - that the TSA is doing something right. Not everything. Just something. Go back and look it up. Even the head of the Israeli security never said they were useless (as in doing nothing right). Just that it wasn't the best use of resources. Oh, and if you know Israelis (and I do), then you'll also know that there is another Israeli who knows just as much as that first fellow, and she thinks the TSA is doing things just fine.
It is difficult to prove, but you can make an educated guess about what the cause is. Other than the correlational evidence, there is no other good data to suggest that TSA has actually been effective. In no field is correlation enough to establish anything but correlation.
That's the problem with 90% of the decisions Governments make. All they have is correlational connections. Or incomplete causal relationships. Or... basically the best they can do is make an educated guess, and hope for the best.
No, that's not how it works. If you want to assert your idea as correct, the burden is on you to show that it is correct. I am going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, and it's up to you to show that my criticisms are invalid on the bases of logic and evidence.
No, on two counts. 1) You asserted "Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock...". I countered your assertion by saying that the TSA must be doing something right, and used the stats on hijackings. I (to paraphrase you) "poked hole in your reasoning". You've presented nothing that counters my evidence, except to try mocking it as simplistic. If it is, then show how it is.... If my argument doesn't convince you. Then say so, and then leave it at that. I have my opinion, you have yours. But if you want me to change my opinion you had better do better. 2) I've forgotten - cr*p.
So far you've only cited correlation, which is not sufficient evidence for causation. You ignored my criticism based on military intervention, changing travel patterns, etc, and only want to trumpet your belief that correlation is enough. It's not. If you don't want to do more on Mac Rumors, then don't post anymore on this topic concerning this line of discussion.
You are right correlations don't show causation. But they are evidence for it. If you have evidence that shows otherwise, present it.

x men tattoos_19. Fotos de Barras para fiat stilo e suporte para bicicleta. Fotos; Fotos de Barras para fiat stilo e suporte para bicicleta.

x men tattoos_19.

x men tattoos_19. Shoulder. shoulder tattoo; Shoulder. shoulder tattoo. Prom1. Sep 8, 12:30 PM. So much complaints about Kanye West.

x men tattoos_19. Head tattoos; Head tattoos. tech4all. Nov 24, 01:44 AM

x men tattoos_19. InStyle/Warner Bros Golden Globes Party. In This Photo: InStyle/Warner Bros Golden Globes Party. In This Photo: Rutina Wesley

x men tattoos_19. InStyle/Warner Bros Golden Globes Party. In This Photo: InStyle/Warner Bros Golden Globes Party. In This Photo: Michael C. Hall,

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x men tattoos_19. Head tattoos; Head tattoos. NebulaClash. Dec 13, 03:01 PM. ^ this. Right. One of the problems people have

x men tattoos_19. Angel and Demon Tattoos; Angel and Demon Tattoos. twoodcc. Aug 11, 07:06 PM. ^^ is 200mhz really that important :p

x men tattoos_19. Coloring Pages Coopers Kids Coloring Pages; Coloring Pages Coopers Kids Coloring Pages. zelman. Oct 19, 10:06 AM

x men tattoos_19. what it will b its a surprise ;) xoox; what it will b its a surprise ;) xoox. Dalton63841. Apr 28, 05:27 AM

x men tattoos_19. whose work will appear; whose work will appear. wrldwzrd89. Apr 7, 09:18 AM. Lots of rumors coming out about Windows 8, the next version

x men tattoos_19. Luminous Arc 2 Picture Preview: Luminous Arc 2 photo; Luminous Arc 2 Picture Preview: Luminous Arc 2 photo. Nekbeth. Apr 27, 06:33 PM

x men tattoos_19. Dragonball movie 2: “Sleeping Princess in Devil#39;; Dragonball movie 2: “Sleeping Princess in Devil#39;s Castle” newdbe02 DragonBall

x men tattoos_19. Fotos de Suporte de bicicleta para parede - € 12,00; Fotos de Suporte de bicicleta para parede - € 12,00. Fotos de Suporte para bicicleta
All we know is that increased security screening is not perfect. Perhaps you can extrapolate the European experience (in this case) to the TSA... but that's as far as you can go.
I understood your rather simplistic attempt at game theory just fine. The problem remains that one side is not a rational actor. The command portion of terrorists have virtually nothing to lose with a botched attempt, and neither does the fanatic patsy. A 50/50 ratio isn't good enough for our security because the downside for both command and patsy are much smaller than the upside (from their perspective). The chances of failure need to be much higher in order to effectively deter terrorists.
Do you always start with the insulting tone (see bolding) when the debate isn't going your way? I would argue that both sides are rational actors, though both sides may also employ non-rational players. The higher echelons of terrorist organizations have shown themselves to very worried about being captured by the fact that they are so hard to catch. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be going to a great deal of trouble to avoid it. Therefore, to my mind, they are rational actors. That 50/50 number is one that I threw into the argument as an "for argument's sake". Please don't rely on it for anything factual. The TSA in fact catches more than 50% of their training/testing planted weapons. And yes, I think even if the the number was as low as 50/50 a rational actor would do everything... oh heck... I've already written all that - you've not presented anything else of substance in it's place, so I'll just save my typing finger....
Sacrificing these things is appropriate when there is a tangible gain. There hasn't been much of a tangible gain with TSA, and this is coming from the head of Israeli Security. We're paying a lot and getting almost nothing in return. Every year there's a new "standard" put out there to make it seem like TSA is doing something, but time and again security experts have lambasted TSA and its efforts as a dog and pony show.
Your own opinion of flying should be an example of how ridiculous things have gotten. If people now become disgruntled and irritated every time they fly, for perhaps marginal gains in security, then our methods have failed.
That's the funny thing. I've never actually said that the TSA is the best thing around. All I've said is that the TSA is doing something. That's all - that the TSA is doing something right. Not everything. Just something. Go back and look it up. Even the head of the Israeli security never said they were useless (as in doing nothing right). Just that it wasn't the best use of resources. Oh, and if you know Israelis (and I do), then you'll also know that there is another Israeli who knows just as much as that first fellow, and she thinks the TSA is doing things just fine.
It is difficult to prove, but you can make an educated guess about what the cause is. Other than the correlational evidence, there is no other good data to suggest that TSA has actually been effective. In no field is correlation enough to establish anything but correlation.
That's the problem with 90% of the decisions Governments make. All they have is correlational connections. Or incomplete causal relationships. Or... basically the best they can do is make an educated guess, and hope for the best.
No, that's not how it works. If you want to assert your idea as correct, the burden is on you to show that it is correct. I am going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, and it's up to you to show that my criticisms are invalid on the bases of logic and evidence.
No, on two counts. 1) You asserted "Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock...". I countered your assertion by saying that the TSA must be doing something right, and used the stats on hijackings. I (to paraphrase you) "poked hole in your reasoning". You've presented nothing that counters my evidence, except to try mocking it as simplistic. If it is, then show how it is.... If my argument doesn't convince you. Then say so, and then leave it at that. I have my opinion, you have yours. But if you want me to change my opinion you had better do better. 2) I've forgotten - cr*p.
So far you've only cited correlation, which is not sufficient evidence for causation. You ignored my criticism based on military intervention, changing travel patterns, etc, and only want to trumpet your belief that correlation is enough. It's not. If you don't want to do more on Mac Rumors, then don't post anymore on this topic concerning this line of discussion.
You are right correlations don't show causation. But they are evidence for it. If you have evidence that shows otherwise, present it.
Oct 3, 06:27 PM
The MBP is a Pro machine. I'd be willing to be that most of Apple's pro user-base does know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo.
Ahh... but you assume the average customer cares. I agree, the MBP is intended to be a pro machine. But there are a lot of customers out there who buy the biggest and brightest because they can afford it and they want it. I have a boss who doesn't know his elbow from his... well... you know. And he has an MBP and a 20" Intel iMac. He can barely use his email, but he's got the toys. And these people are not that rare... particularly when it comes to Apple. Sad but true.
And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.
Yeah, I know... I was just making a point. Internet connection being equal, the generic apps (Safari, Mail, iChat) are all simple enough to run at basically same speed on a Powerbook G4 as they do on a brand new MacPro.
I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community
I'm sure we'll see them soon too, if only because it's been a while since the last MBP refresh. But the people who are clamoring or saying that the tech community will scoff at Apple are mistaken. We all bitch and moan because we want the latest, but whenever it comes, even if it's in January, we'll all still buy because at the end of the day the processor is only a piece of the puzzle. Apple is head and shoulders better than everyone else, so those of us in the know will always buy... they've built more than enough confidence over the past few years to earn the technology community's trust.
Ahh... but you assume the average customer cares. I agree, the MBP is intended to be a pro machine. But there are a lot of customers out there who buy the biggest and brightest because they can afford it and they want it. I have a boss who doesn't know his elbow from his... well... you know. And he has an MBP and a 20" Intel iMac. He can barely use his email, but he's got the toys. And these people are not that rare... particularly when it comes to Apple. Sad but true.
And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.
Yeah, I know... I was just making a point. Internet connection being equal, the generic apps (Safari, Mail, iChat) are all simple enough to run at basically same speed on a Powerbook G4 as they do on a brand new MacPro.
I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community
I'm sure we'll see them soon too, if only because it's been a while since the last MBP refresh. But the people who are clamoring or saying that the tech community will scoff at Apple are mistaken. We all bitch and moan because we want the latest, but whenever it comes, even if it's in January, we'll all still buy because at the end of the day the processor is only a piece of the puzzle. Apple is head and shoulders better than everyone else, so those of us in the know will always buy... they've built more than enough confidence over the past few years to earn the technology community's trust.

Apr 29, 01:50 PM
Everything and I mean *everything* is constantly being shared from these developer's builds. Check youtube. It is what it is. There are no killer features in iLion. Certainly nothing like going from Tiger to Leopard.
Don't kid yourself. Lion's list of new features is much longer than Leopard's.
Don't kid yourself. Lion's list of new features is much longer than Leopard's.
Sep 12, 07:33 AM
They annoyed me this time.. I had 8 songs in my basket and i'm unable to purchase them - I can understand with an online store that delays something for at least 24 hours... but for an instant content delivery system it's rather annoying as a customer.

May 3, 02:34 PM
Why is it that Google always touts how open is so good, then they realize that, oh, guess we should tighten things up a bit, maybe being too open is not such a good thing.
Problem is that it is mostly open for the carriers to do whatever they want - less open for the user thanks to carrier modifications to the OS.
Shocking that carriers would take steps to stop people from stealing service from them.
Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap). If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)
Problem is that it is mostly open for the carriers to do whatever they want - less open for the user thanks to carrier modifications to the OS.
Shocking that carriers would take steps to stop people from stealing service from them.
Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap). If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)
Sep 7, 10:01 PM
And he sucked.
I also think he sucks. Not only that, but he has an ego problem. Nothing pisses me off more than artists bitc*ing on TV because they lost to maroon 5 (kanye did that) and how he is so much better and he should have one and other crap.
I also think he sucks. Not only that, but he has an ego problem. Nothing pisses me off more than artists bitc*ing on TV because they lost to maroon 5 (kanye did that) and how he is so much better and he should have one and other crap.
Oct 10, 07:32 PM
I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.
I'm not sure where you got those criteria... but those aren't the criteria for which story make the first page.
Readers aren't asked to blindly believe page 1 rumors... Whether Page 1 or Page 2, rumors are presented in their context.... with historical context of the sites involved. Engadget generally has pretty low standards regarding rumors - in that they will post whatever they want on their site if they find it remotely interesting -- that being said, I've not seen them post Apple Rumor items using their own sources with any degree of certainty before. As a result, they get this front page spot. If "joerumorblogIveneverheardof.com" posts a rumor from "reliable" sources, it won't even get a mention on Page 2.
I'm not sure where you got those criteria... but those aren't the criteria for which story make the first page.
Readers aren't asked to blindly believe page 1 rumors... Whether Page 1 or Page 2, rumors are presented in their context.... with historical context of the sites involved. Engadget generally has pretty low standards regarding rumors - in that they will post whatever they want on their site if they find it remotely interesting -- that being said, I've not seen them post Apple Rumor items using their own sources with any degree of certainty before. As a result, they get this front page spot. If "joerumorblogIveneverheardof.com" posts a rumor from "reliable" sources, it won't even get a mention on Page 2.
Sep 12, 08:40 AM
I can't help but laugh. :D
On a side not I had to ask my Aussie flat-mates where the Gong was. The Gong is defiantly easier to say. ;)
I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.
On a side not I had to ask my Aussie flat-mates where the Gong was. The Gong is defiantly easier to say. ;)
I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.

Jul 21, 03:20 PM
If this is the case then everyone should be complaining to every single cell phone manufacturer and demand a recall from them too. I don't hear or see that, though.
Oh you silly goose... that is because every other manufacturer's phones are not dropping calls... that is just one of the new things the iPhone is "changing again." It's funny because I've owned dozens and dozens of phones throughout the years including the iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS and never experienced this garbage...
Oh you silly goose... that is because every other manufacturer's phones are not dropping calls... that is just one of the new things the iPhone is "changing again." It's funny because I've owned dozens and dozens of phones throughout the years including the iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS and never experienced this garbage...

Apr 6, 10:38 AM
Picked it up at Wawa...it's delicious!!
Picked it up at Wawa...it's delicious!!
Apr 23, 09:32 PM
I do agree that you should be able to remove your vote, rendering a net change of zero, but otherwise, it appears to be accurate.\
It's probably been figured out by now, but you can remove your vote (whether positive or negative). Just click the button that you previously clicked to remove your rating. Lets say you clicked +1 but now you want to take that back to make it 0, just press +1 again to undo it.
It's probably been figured out by now, but you can remove your vote (whether positive or negative). Just click the button that you previously clicked to remove your rating. Lets say you clicked +1 but now you want to take that back to make it 0, just press +1 again to undo it.

Jan 12, 11:48 PM
yes, i would hate for steve to be in the middle of the keynote and Gizmodo screws something up, then i would hunt them down.
that was a very childish joke, but funny
that was a very childish joke, but funny

Oct 17, 09:54 AM
I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great
I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful
External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disc manufacturers discs, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.
it was the same with DVD instead of CD
I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful
External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disc manufacturers discs, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.
it was the same with DVD instead of CD
Apr 21, 05:58 AM
Ouch, I know how that is, I've had to replace things that I've broken trying to fix them; not that I would actually admit to breaking anything of course :p
It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(
oh yeah, it's driving me nuts being away. but at least i can go on the weekends.
yeah i lost a bigadv unit also. but hopefully things are good for now. this weekend i know i'll be working on this
It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(
oh yeah, it's driving me nuts being away. but at least i can go on the weekends.
yeah i lost a bigadv unit also. but hopefully things are good for now. this weekend i know i'll be working on this
Mar 13, 12:45 PM
They also helped create an entire new software development industry
Which software development industry would this be ? Embedded systems ? Mobile devices ?
Nope, nothing new there. They expanded maybe, but they did not create.
I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".
Again for the people wanting very much to redefine computing, "shifting the way people use" is not redefining computing. At least qualify it properly as a shift in usability, not in computing. You are talking about the lower levels when you use the word computing.
Why are some of you uninitiated insisting on using "computing" and claiming it is redefined ? Is it because a shift in usability doesn't sound as great accomplishment and you want to make what Apple did much bigger than it really is ? Stay objective please, don't involve emotions you have for a corporation in this discussion.
Which software development industry would this be ? Embedded systems ? Mobile devices ?
Nope, nothing new there. They expanded maybe, but they did not create.
I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".
Again for the people wanting very much to redefine computing, "shifting the way people use" is not redefining computing. At least qualify it properly as a shift in usability, not in computing. You are talking about the lower levels when you use the word computing.
Why are some of you uninitiated insisting on using "computing" and claiming it is redefined ? Is it because a shift in usability doesn't sound as great accomplishment and you want to make what Apple did much bigger than it really is ? Stay objective please, don't involve emotions you have for a corporation in this discussion.
Lord Blackadder
Jul 28, 05:48 PM
I think we have to start somewhere. Whether we like it or not, diesel/petroleum aren't going to last forever so sooner or later something has to change.
I completely agree.
If a critical mass of electric cars is reached, it'll start to make business sense to develop charging stations (or stations with stocks of swappable cells?) on major routes.
Perhaps - but maybe that would just cause us to burn more fuel at power plants rather than look for alternative fuels...and who knows what that would do to the price and availability of electricity? To me, it feels like we'd just be exchanging one problem for another.
If we wait for these charging stations to appear before starting to buy electric cars, we'll end up in a Catch 22. And (stating the obvious, but) electricity for the cars can be generated cleanly and renewably, even if it isn't at present.
You may be right about California & other parts of the US having power generation problems, and that may well hamper electric car adoption in those areas; but that shouldn't stop others from switching.
I think we should be less worried (in the short term) about hybrids and electric cars and more concerned with just lowering per capita fuel consumption.

x men tattoos_19. mens fashion suits. mens fashion suits. zacman. Apr 19, 03:04 PM. 2. You never specified which marketshare you
I completely agree.
If a critical mass of electric cars is reached, it'll start to make business sense to develop charging stations (or stations with stocks of swappable cells?) on major routes.
Perhaps - but maybe that would just cause us to burn more fuel at power plants rather than look for alternative fuels...and who knows what that would do to the price and availability of electricity? To me, it feels like we'd just be exchanging one problem for another.
If we wait for these charging stations to appear before starting to buy electric cars, we'll end up in a Catch 22. And (stating the obvious, but) electricity for the cars can be generated cleanly and renewably, even if it isn't at present.
You may be right about California & other parts of the US having power generation problems, and that may well hamper electric car adoption in those areas; but that shouldn't stop others from switching.
I think we should be less worried (in the short term) about hybrids and electric cars and more concerned with just lowering per capita fuel consumption.
Apr 18, 12:42 PM
Left handed people have always been persecuted and represent a significantly larger portion of society than homosexuals, plus they tend to do well in society regardless of the persecution.
So you're cool with left-handers but not left-footers (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=left%20footer)?
So you're cool with left-handers but not left-footers (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=left%20footer)?
Apr 5, 03:31 PM
brilliant! i find myself "surfing" free apps to find certain iAds. I've always wanted a database of all of the iADs in one place to reference and inspire. I see 2 in the macrumors screen shot that I personally have worked on. Cool!
you are .... responsible for these?
you are .... responsible for these?
Apr 15, 03:12 PM
Yah it's a 3d render, and photoshop added grain, doesn't look anything like real camera grain.
Jan 14, 06:33 PM
I'm surprised nobody picked up on their title.
"Confessions: The meanest Thing Giz..."
Meanest? It may just be a poor choice of words, but in light of the situation it makes you wonder "what else" they did and aren't admitting to.
"Confessions: The meanest Thing Giz..."
Meanest? It may just be a poor choice of words, but in light of the situation it makes you wonder "what else" they did and aren't admitting to.
Apr 16, 04:41 AM
I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:
Sep 9, 04:33 PM
While we're on the topic, I also e-mailed Apple, asking them to put the "EXPLICIT" warning next to the keynote. My 11-year old son likes watching them, but he won't be seeing this one; profanity = unprofessional.
lol, I think he can watch the keynote. Just stop if you want at the last 2 minutes when Jobs intros Kanye. And at 11 years old I'm sure your son has heard profanity before.
lol, I think he can watch the keynote. Just stop if you want at the last 2 minutes when Jobs intros Kanye. And at 11 years old I'm sure your son has heard profanity before.