lady gaga born this way album artwork

lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga surprises fans with
  • Lady Gaga surprises fans with

  • rever3nce
    Apr 9, 09:16 PM
    my 1st baby :D

    5 speed manual

    2007 chevy cobalt

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Spongebobk
    Apr 19, 12:18 PM
    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen?

    You can't beat the real estate that the iMac offers!:)

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 15, 09:19 AM
    I wonder how Handbrake, iDVD encoding, or Quicktime encoding will take advantage of the extra cores?

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady gaga releases cover art
  • Lady gaga releases cover art

  • firestarter
    Mar 20, 10:27 PM
    That's for apple to decide.

    And for us to discuss. That's what a discussion forum is for.

    I'll say it again: homeopathy is not directly harmful. Ex-gay therapy is.

    Repetition doesn't make an argument.

    Both can be ignored, both can cause harm if followed. Both masquerade as a 'cure' for something they cannot 'cure'.

    Again: how is that directly harmful? Directly. Harmful.

    Homeopathy, by advertising falsely and claiming efficacy which cannot be proven encourages people to avoid conventional life saving treatments. How is that not harmful?

    Ex-gay is a false path away from the confident and supportive same sex relationship that a homosexual person should be seeking. Seems very analogous.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • umu
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    How about some kind of iSight?

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga Photo: Lady Gaga
  • Lady Gaga Photo: Lady Gaga

  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 4, 11:38 PM
    ^^^ Nice!

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Benguitar
    May 2, 07:56 PM
    I think it is a nice feature, I can't say that it is "amazing" or "horrible." It's not that major of a feature, But just another "Apple Gesture" that will most likely simplify deleting multiple applications at once.

    Kind of like the four-finger-swipe to switch applications and etc.


    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • MacPhyle
    Aug 19, 11:29 PM
    Regardless of what Bluetooth will be meant for on the iPod -- Sirius, transmission to Bluetooth headphones, or just syncing with Bluetooth Macs -- what I'm looking forward to is a bigger screen. I think Bluetooth is a logical step since iMacs now have Bluetooth built in, but I don't expect iPods to go Bluetooth until at least 2 more major upgrades. First the larger screen, then Bluetooth, maybe. I am just crossing my fingers that when Apple does put Bluetooth in iPods, they don't eliminate other means of connectivity. Keep iPods compatible with non-Bluetooth Macs, Apple, please!

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Yvan256
    Apr 3, 09:07 AM
    "Technology gets out of the way"

    That's why I got a Mac/iPhone in the first place. Get out of my way, Windows/Android!

    That's what happened to me years ago, but with iTunes. I was using iTunes on Windows XP and instead of fighting it to organize my files, I finally said to myself "why would I want to manage my files manually"? Then I started using metadata and smart playlists... a few months later I bought a Mac mini G4 which was less powerful than my PC, but then a few weeks later I realized I hadn't booted the PC in over a week. I moved all my data and sold the PC.

    I'm now on my 3rd Mac mini (2010 unibody) with 8GB of RAM and it does the tasks I ask without getting in my way. :cool:

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. He also photographed Lady Gaga
  • He also photographed Lady Gaga

  • Carl Spackler
    Nov 29, 03:51 PM
    You know I originally thought that, but I kind of like the way it works now. I would much rather have a few codecs that work very well. Then play everything under the sun just not very well.

    Perhaps I'm selling iTunes short in what it can currently play without re-encoding, but it seems really slim.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:11 PM
    Too expensive if you ask me. In the cinema I pay $2 for a not so new movie (1/2 year old?), indie stuff/classics/etc. costs $4, new big movies $5.

    What planet are you on?

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album; lady gaga born this way album. PCUser. Oct 11, 12:44 PM
  • lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album; lady gaga born this way album. PCUser. Oct 11, 12:44 PM

  • azzurri000
    Sep 6, 09:22 AM
    I am underwhelmed, as Tim Gunn might say.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • KingYaba
    Jul 18, 01:53 PM
    This rental thing sounds stupid. Secondly, whats to stop some of us from figureing away out to kill the timed life of hte movie files so we can keep it forever. (seeing if we are downloading them)

    There will be more pirates than ever if apple does movies. I can think of so many ways.

    Even if they are streamed, I know ways to keep the movie.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • sauer228
    Apr 19, 11:59 AM
    Just in time for the back to school promo!

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • Zadillo
    Oct 23, 03:07 PM
    I'll probably be waiting awhile, but I won't be purchasing a MBP until it has the Core 2 Quadro, built-in bootable flash memory for quicker booting times, and a hard drive that can be easily swapped out like the MB line currently has. It makes more sense to me to have a Professional line of notebooks with a hard drive that can be replaced easily than having consumer notebooks with this feature. After a user returns with my company's shared notebook, I could simply swap out the HD with a cleanly imaged HD to give to the next user. Why would the average home user or a non-tech college student with a MB need to swap out their drives through the battery compartment, but not a professional user? Steve - I'm not asking for a lot here.

    Until I see these features or at least two of the three, I don't see a compelling reason to upgrade just yet.

    Gene Huller

    Have they announced a mobile version of the Core 2 Quadro? I had thought that was only a desktop chip.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • boncellis
    Sep 6, 07:35 PM
    There has to be something in the cards that Apple plans to implement that will trump Amazon. I just don't think it will be the iPod this time. What's in store, I wonder...

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm just going to continue to play dense because.

    Anyway, I wonder if Time Canada is going to blow the story again.

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. Lady Gaga Born This Way Album
  • Lady Gaga Born This Way Album

  • twoodcc
    Apr 16, 09:07 PM
    congrats to SciFrog for 6 million points! (with MR team)

    lady gaga born this way album artwork. lady gaga born this way album
  • lady gaga born this way album

  • a104375
    May 2, 04:41 PM
    The bigger question is, should Apple dumb OS X Lion down to allow the iOS people to have an easier transition, just seems like it undermines the quality of the product especially for the people who already know and like OS X SL the way it is.

    Perhaps when you first start up the computer they can have a "Do you want iOS mode or Fanboy mode?"

    Sep 6, 10:37 AM
    If Apple is concerned with showing potential switchers that Macs are more affordable than PCs, why not keep on the old Mac mini low-end model and price it at $499 (like the low-end Mac mini used to cost a while ago) or eventually even a little lower?

    It's all fine and dandy that Apple can show during the keynote that the Mac Pros are significantly cheaper than comparable Dell machines, but why not try to show they can be competitve (or at least exist) at the under-$500 end of the spectrum as well?

    Mar 25, 03:52 PM
    Who wouldve thought :). GG

    Nov 18, 06:38 PM
    ^yeah almost seems unfair to ppl that want to compete but dont have access to high end hardware. i guess if you look at it from an aggregate standpoint then low point crunchers make a bit of a diff.

    the amount of power sucked from the wall per unit would be WAY less i would imagine. from an environmental standpoint it wouldnt make sense

    Sep 30, 03:32 PM
    I got the clear one. I don't know if the inside was was matte or not. Took 2 days off an ebay seller.

    did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?

    Nov 24, 10:07 AM

    that seems awful clunky as a container for a pair of sunglasses...

    I do believe that's a gun case.

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