pictures of kittens and cats

pictures of kittens and cats. Little Kitten The Cat Mini
  • Little Kitten The Cat Mini

  • Eric5h5
    Mar 25, 05:21 PM
    30fps is far from "silky smooth", but that's still pretty cool.


    pictures of kittens and cats. Cats and Kittens ScreenSaver
  • Cats and Kittens ScreenSaver

  • blacktape242
    Mar 22, 04:35 PM
    I will just continue to use my iphone as my ipod like everyone else.......

    Sent from my Iphone

    pictures of kittens and cats. Cats and Kittens | Flickr
  • Cats and Kittens | Flickr

  • JesterJJZ
    Apr 12, 09:05 PM
    Good live updates here.

    pictures of kittens and cats. owned gun cat cats kitten
  • owned gun cat cats kitten

  • Deej
    Oct 23, 06:44 AM
    Could it *really* be true....??? :D

    pictures of kittens and cats. They are fussy little kittens!
  • They are fussy little kittens!

  • Coolestdude
    Mar 22, 04:43 PM
    I would really like to see WIFI sync. Pull my car in the garage, download my new songs in iTunes, and it syncs. I use a USA Spec iPod adapter in my car, and keep the iPod hidden in the glovebox.

    pictures of kittens and cats. four blue eyed kittens
  • four blue eyed kittens

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 21, 09:52 AM
    Yeah, I loved his little 'wargasm' too.

    That little mushroom thingie probably took a few people along with it. I'd suggest that we keep our 'oohs' and 'aahs' limited to Fourth of July fireworks.

    There's a bit of "wargasm" in all of us. Some of us have less, some of us repress it to be "civilized". But if there were no army ants in addition to worker ants, the colony would have never made it.

    I'm just not "ashamed" to enjoy watching the now governer of California blow up things in make believe, and enjoy the types of games created by the business and tech legend who helped put computers in everybody's office and homes.

    Wow, that is a shocker.

    The U.S. Congress passed a law to prohibit any attempt to assassinate any foreign leader.

    Why, I don't know, but there it is. :confused:

    It's not an "assasination" in this case. It's a military leadership target of war. They killed many of Sadam Hussain's top people deliberately in the early days of the Iraq War for instance. If you're interested in seeing how many "assasinations" take place, Wikipedia lists that status on the wars we are invovled in where you can see KIA's of significant people. There you will find, KIA's on "Militant Islamic movement leaders" in addition to "generals"....sometimes tracked and blown up by a drone prolly flown from arround the world. When you "declare war", anything goes apparently.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Cat with a litter of 3 kittens
  • Cat with a litter of 3 kittens

  • 2056
    Nov 27, 11:55 AM
    first pair of decent headphones.
    grado sr60i

    pictures of kittens and cats. Baby Kitten Baby Kitten
  • Baby Kitten Baby Kitten

  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 17, 11:52 PM
    here's my current setup. I finally got a Intel Mac and it will become to main machine soon. In the Pic is everything in the sig but the IIc and Performa.
    Nice setup! It has a little bit of everything in it!

    pictures of kittens and cats. Cute Cats and Kittens
  • Cute Cats and Kittens

  • firewood
    Jun 22, 10:52 PM
    I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS.

    I see one every day.

    Just run a UIKit app in the iPad Simulator (from the free Developer SDK) on your iMac. There's even 3rd party code that will allow you to use the multi-touch on your iPad to control your app in the Simulator on the iMac. And some apps can run 10X faster and have a bunch more memory available when running on the Simulator.

    I have a couple experimental apps that look and feel better this way than their Mac native versions.

    It's even possible for a developer to package compiled Simulator apps for other people to run on their Macs, but Apple hasn't made that process easy (yet!).

    pictures of kittens and cats. pictures of kittens and cats.
  • pictures of kittens and cats.

  • Conner36
    Mar 25, 04:33 PM
    I will be happy when you dont have to use the dongle but can use an AppleTV to do the processing and have the iphone/ipad/ipodtouch useable as a controller.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Hugging Cats - Kittens
  • Hugging Cats - Kittens

  • Zadillo
    Aug 6, 09:24 PM
    Longhorn is code name, The product name is Vista you will not see a third name for windows vista. Just like Windows XP I think was called Whistler (code name).

    Just about all companies give there product a code name and then a release name once it's ready for the retail stores or a public beta like you see windows vista.

    Indeed. I sort of forget, but at what point did Apple decide to start making the "code names" part of the official name of the commercial product? I'm thinking it must have been with 10.2 (I don't remember them publicizing Cheetah as the name of 10.0 or Puma as the name of 10.1).

    I guess it's almost a necessity given the unique product naming issues with OS X. On one hand, Apple is basically limited to doing single-point version increases with each update to OS X (because if they actually were to jump from 10.x to, say, 11.0, the OS X name would no longer mean anything). But if you just advertise "Mac OS X 10.5", it's hard to get people too excited about that. So I guess it makes sense for Apple to go ahead and really push the cat codename stuff as the final product name. Also, probably easier for the average consumer to just remember Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, etc. than individual version numbers.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Kittens and Car Crashes
  • Kittens and Car Crashes

  • bluewire
    Sep 1, 02:08 PM
    So is Conroe

    I know. :) I agree with you tho, I do want a Conroe in my new iMac. Damn it, 2 more weeks. :(

    pictures of kittens and cats. book of cats and kittens
  • book of cats and kittens

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 19, 03:23 PM
    I don't argue that their strategy is wrong. They are a profitable, debt-free company. They obviously have some clue as to what's going on.

    However, as a Mac lover on a budget, I hate only having the option of an iMac or an eMac. I dislike both of them. I dislike the design and I dislike that they are essentually unupgradable. If I am going to spend money on a product, I had better like looking at it. I also don't want to have to use a G4 MDD as it's old technology. Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.

    A Bargain PC may be a POS, but for a good group of people, it's all they can afford...and I am almost to that point. My old computer can only take me so much farther.this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the world says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Cats and Kittens | Flickr
  • Cats and Kittens | Flickr

  • eljanitor
    Apr 20, 05:05 PM
    "rare"? In what part of the world are they "rare"?

    While I was looking for a new car maybe less then a year ago, and I asked the salesman if they had any manuals on the lot. He replied by telling me yes they do, and we got in a car that had paddle shifters on the steering wheel. I told him this is not a manual car, and he was obviously old enough to remember that a manual car has a "shifter" sticking out of the center, and usually a clutch pedal.

    So after that he explained to me that, "All the new cars are like this, there are no more manuals." I looked at him and said um, "I can order one online with a manual, without these paddles. So what do you meant they don't make them anymore?"

    I was greeted by another salesman when I got back from the test drive. When he asked me how I enjoyed the car, I asked him the same question, about when would they have a manual model on the lot. He said, "We don't stock those here sorry, but you can order it online and have it shipped here for pick up if you like."

    I ended up going to another dealer, who didn't try to tell me, " There are no more stick shift cars." I don't know when they will be trying to phase out the manual car, but it does seem that they are less desirable in places.

    However here are some more facts about manual cars:

    They are less expensive new then automatics by about $500 - $1000.

    They are cheaper to maintain and replace then automatics.

    Car dealers and salesmen make less commission on the sale of a manual car because it costs less. ( The paddle shifters, and the sport mode is an option on most cars and is more then the regular automatic transmission)

    You can get better gas mileage with a manual car vs an automatic.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Posted in Kittens, Cats | 23
  • Posted in Kittens, Cats | 23

  • EricNau
    Sep 6, 05:58 PM
    For 10 to 15 bucks these videos better be a higher quality than their current videos in the iTunes Music Store.

    I was hoping they'd be releasing a Mac Media Center to compliment this movie service, but after today's iMac update that seems unlikely (the 24" iMac would have been the perfect all-in-one media mac).

    As for Disney and Apple, who would have thought! :eek: ;) :p

    pictures of kittens and cats. Long ago, a mother cat was
  • Long ago, a mother cat was

  • weespeed
    Apr 26, 07:57 PM
    Not "debunked." More like "skirted."

    Nonsense. I dare you to develop and release a word processing application for Windows called "Mattie Num Nums Word" and see how long it takes before Ballmer is on the phone with you.

    Google Word? Apple Word? These would never fly and you know it. Your argument holds no water.

    It's already been done.


    pictures of kittens and cats. Images Cats and Kittens
  • Images Cats and Kittens

  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 12:43 PM
    Amazing that a thread on whether or not a person CAN drive a stick shift car has turned into a full blown debate on the merits of automatic vs manual transmissions. Personally I think this argument is similar to the Mac vs PC argument that has gone on for years, ultimately they're different, and a person should be able to use whichever one (or both) they choose for their own personal reasons. In both cases, transmissions and personal computers, they have their good points and their bad points. To each their own...

    This is MacRumors. Members will argue everything.

    pictures of kittens and cats. cats and kittens.
  • cats and kittens.

  • Stridder44
    Nov 27, 02:13 PM
    Or get an iMac...:p

    Haha seriously, I don't get it either. You could totally get a low end iMac for the combined price of a 17" Apple monitor and a Mac mini.

    Hi, my name is Joe and I'm sitting in front of a 30" ACD and I have a 22" ACD beside me. And I'm typing this from home.

    I would rather see Apple lower the price of the 20" and keep all of their displays at 20" and higher.

    I agree. I have an old 17" iMac (at least mines widescreen and none of this 4:3 crap), and I couldn't see going any lower. Consumer or not, it makes more sense to lower the current monitors (starting from the 20") and keeping things that way. Besides, knowing Apple, they'll charge $599 or something crazy for a 17" monitor anyway...

    pictures of kittens and cats. Kitten
  • Kitten

  • MikeNemat
    Aug 6, 10:41 PM
    Am I supposed to leave out cookies? :p :D

    Yep. And Milk. Steve Jobs will climb down your chimney, eat the cookies, and pour the milk into any PCs he finds in your house :)

    Apr 21, 11:54 AM
    I'm betting it is a cache and somebody forgot to write code to cull the old data. Stupid mistake, in other words. Hopefully, Apple will say something either way.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 22, 12:24 PM
    Apple is paying the price for the crap it did early on and still is doing with no clear rules on what is approved and disapproved.
    Inconsistently rejecting apps.

    Apple should never of gotten in the screening business and now they are trying to back out.

    Jan 1, 07:29 PM
    I am very excited about this year, but apple will be smart not to do too much in one show. I mean how many surprises and new products can they release at one time before the public gets overwhelmed or exhausted (i.e. the dinosaur sequence in king kong)? I think they will focus on a few special things, probably not the phone though.

    Apple Expert
    May 2, 04:44 PM
    They are making it sure look alot like the iOS. I hope they can put this OS on the iPad. :D

    Mar 24, 04:37 PM
    True, but its a wait for the overzealot AMD CPU fan base. AMD is very well behind Intel right now in CPUs. Their 6-core offerings barely match the processing power of a i7-870; which is a 4-core, 1156 socket! They can't even match the 1366 socket yet... not to mention the monster of a CPU that is the i7-980X.

    On the server, AMD has inexpensive 12-core, 4-way CPUs since some time. Now going for 16-core with Bulldozer (well, now it will be more like 16-core integer/8-core floating point).

    The absolute bargain now are the 8-core, 4-way CPUs. You can have a 32-core machine for very little money.

    The the next Atom will have a DirectX 10.1 GPU, meanwhile Bobcat Fusion already has DirectX 11 hardware and OpenCL.

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