high top fade

high top fade. Kid#39;s High Top Fade
  • Kid#39;s High Top Fade

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 03:15 AM
    Never going to happen. Just wait till 2am when my posts become even more incoherent than usual.

    EDIT - Don't everybody else do what conditionals just tried to do. A few people did it last Tuesday night and we broke the internet.

    what time is it in the Gong now?

    high top fade. 1000 wordz…
  • 1000 wordz…

  • MacsAttack
    Jan 12, 07:00 PM
    Actually, I believe it wasn't released at MacWorld for two reasons...

    1) Time. They keynote ran about 2 hours as is (already above the average). Introducing two new software suites would easily add another 45 minutes (making the event much too long).

    2) The focus was clearly the iPhone, and Jobs didn't want anything to steal its glory.

    It makes much more sense to introduce the iPhone at MacWorld and have a separate event for Leopard, iLife, and iWork.


    Mac World

    But we got no Macs

    And both items are pitched at he US market - not the world market (need to get movie downloads onto other iTunes stores for the Apple TV to be a compelling product)

    Oh - and I don't own a mobile phone and have no intention of getting one. Just a rat hole for suckers to pour money down :D

    Have not watched the keynote. Not going to bother.

    I'd like to see a bit more commitment from Apple (the company previously known as Apple Computers) on the computer side before I consider recomending any kind of Mac to people again.

    high top fade. High Top Fade Videos | High
  • High Top Fade Videos | High

  • twoodcc
    May 3, 11:03 AM
    I've finally got it folding, took a while cuz I didn't have the bios set to boot from USB-cdrom, that USB part is important :o also I tried Ubuntu 10.4 but there is a problem with folding and libc on 10.4 so I tried a copy of 8.04 that I had and it didn't want to install. I finally had to download 9.10 and after getting it installed, folding on it and configured; it works:D woo hoo! It's always something when I install Linux but I usually figure it out after a while...

    I trid to go to 4Ghz but I must not have set something right and it didn't work so I went back to stock 3.33, it folded the first frame in 27 minutes which is exactly what my mac pro does: for less than half the cost. I then set it to 3.6 Ghz and it seems to be stable without upping the voltage. I hope it can do a frame in 25 minutes :p I'm waiting to see...

    oh wow. yeah i had the same problem with 10.4 - i also had to run 9.10.

    yeah you'd have to change the voltages to get it to work at 4.0 ghz. but 3.6 should be good (i think)

    Great you have it working now and hopefully it will stay up a week.

    I had a power outage that I didn't know about and didn't check all of my machines for a day, oh well it's only 20 or 30 thousand points :rolleyes:

    edit: added pics

    high top fade. rocking the high-top fade
  • rocking the high-top fade

  • jettredmont
    Sep 25, 08:23 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."

    1. Use parking break.

    2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.

    Report back when done.

    Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.

    That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.

    The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.

    high top fade. cop a high-top fade!
  • cop a high-top fade!

  • redalpha
    Sep 12, 08:59 AM

    Left Bottom (Itunes Videos)


    Transporter 2Transporter 2
    20th Century Fox

    Red EyeRed Eye
    Dreamworks S.K.G.

    World of Warcraft Burning CrusadeWorld of Warcraft Burning Crusade

    Enigmo2Enigmo 2

    high top fade. P DIDDY Getting a new High Top
  • P DIDDY Getting a new High Top

  • dumb terminal
    Apr 24, 02:26 PM
    I hope windows gets rid of the dos command shell and don't have to rely on third party tools like cygwin. If W8 is unix based, it would be glorious.

    I hope they don't get rid of the command shell. That would make system administration a real pain in the neck.

    Especially when you've been doing system administration since the days of NT 4.0/2000, and use cmd for everything (yes, even tasks that are done easily through a GUI).

    I don't see any of this changing anytime soon. That said, Powershell was a great step in the right direction, and added a lot of useful functionality.

    high top fade. High Top Fade w/ 2 Kutz In
  • High Top Fade w/ 2 Kutz In

  • milo
    Sep 12, 08:21 AM
    any chance of the MBP being updated!?


    high top fade. quot;High Top Fade Outquot;
  • quot;High Top Fade Outquot;

  • Thunderhawks
    Mar 28, 03:02 PM
    No kidding. It's like Columbia Records giving out awards to its most innovative musicians, and all the musicians from Sony Music start complaining that they aren't eligible to receive one. :confused:

    It's not anyone's "right" to be in the running for any awards. Sheesh.


    Why awards at all? An American disease carried into all cultures of the world!

    If something or somebody is good, they get the award(s) they deserve: and want most of all:

    $$$ in the bank.

    And those awards are not based on any committees opinion or mercy Susan Lucci award types for being in something forever!.

    It's consumers who buy your stuff because it's good!

    And the$e awards never catch dust:-)

    high top fade. in quot;High Top Fade Outquot;,
  • in quot;High Top Fade Outquot;,

  • JaSuS
    Sep 28, 02:38 PM
    Gates: What's that?
    Jobs: It's an iHouse.
    Gates: But there's no Windows.
    Jobs: Exactly!!! Hahahahaha!



    I love this one man you rock!

    high top fade. with the high top fadequot;
  • with the high top fadequot;

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 04:00 PM
    Thanks for your advice dejo, but I'm not stepping away because of lack of fundamentals. Interaction with other developers is an additional learning source (the main is all kind of documentation), of course I need to learn more about fundamentals of objective C just like you did when you had 3 months programming, but that ain't stopping me from asking help in forums. Some people help you, some don't, you just have to deal with that.

    btw, thanks for pointing my error, your right.. those are declaration for cancelTime: and cancelIt: , I got confuse with the parameter :D

    high top fade. 2:20am 31st May 2011. I have
  • 2:20am 31st May 2011. I have

  • one1
    Apr 30, 08:46 PM
    Safari is broken for me. Reopens the last window URL no matter what I set my preferences to. :( Other than that it FIXED AUTOMATOR (Yaaayyyy!!).

    high top fade. Haters Gonna Hate
  • Haters Gonna Hate

  • Eidorian
    Sep 25, 11:37 AM
    Isn't the next MBP just going to be a Gen 1 C2D?Rev. B Intel but Rev. A Core 2 Duo

    Confusing isn't it?

    high top fade. the high top fade,
  • the high top fade,

  • QuarterSwede
    Oct 12, 08:26 AM
    I'm not sure I understand the people who (a) don't believe this is coming soon, or (b) don't believe it's coming at all because "people won't use it - it's too small." That's garbage.

    Not everything Apple releases has to be an "earth shattering" revolution. Some stuff can just have a niche market and be better than what's out there. They're in it to make money first and foremost. And frankly, if people could carry an iPod-sized object, with wireless headphones, and that could play widescreen movies on a 4" or so screen (AND, oh by the way, carry their iTunes library to boot), it would be the death of the portable DVD player.

    No, that's not a huge market, or a cash cow by any means. Nor is it a revolutionary product. But at the end of the day, it's pretty damned cool which means most of us will buy it (despite our attempts not to), and it's certainly another cha-ching to add to the list for Apple.
    That's exactly what happened with the iPod. It was just another mp3 player but had an interface that was very simple to use, plus it looked much nicer than the competition.

    high top fade. of a high top fade.
  • of a high top fade.

  • ohyeahwtvr
    Apr 4, 10:37 AM
    oh, and if the internet provider is giving you the run-around.

    go here, type in the IP address and it'll tell you exactly where the server is that they are connected to. It gives you the IP latitude and IP longitutde.

    tell them that it is being connected at this server location and they'll be able to location exactly which hub it's being connected at and .. yea. trace the burgulars home down..

    high top fade. Psych 4x7 - High Top Fade Out
  • Psych 4x7 - High Top Fade Out

  • STTMac
    Apr 15, 01:29 PM
    This a very bad render fake picture kind.... Where did you see any apple product with that ugly back edge??? If you open the metadata of the picture with aperture you'll see.... well a BIG nothing no signature from any camera that may be used to take the picture... So pixel mix, noise on the render, bad shadow from the light source... the list may keep going... Try harder dude this is a very bad FAKE!!!

    You put in a bad light the iPhone much bad that your light from the render...:confused:

    high top fade. The high top fade even has
  • The high top fade even has

  • utgerger
    Jan 11, 02:56 PM
    Since you seem quite confident about what might be announced next Tuesday I wonder if you know anything about a possible iPhone "2.0" - the next generation iPhone with 3G, GPS, 16/32GB, MMS, etc.?
    As for the MacBook Pros: Do you know what this facelift might look like? Minor or major facelift?

    Thanks ,
    Sandrotto (that was my first post on this forum btw :-D )

    MWSF won't be about a new iPhone.. its all about its current success, about its deployment into new markets and most importantly, the eminent release of its SDK.. from what I know, major iPhone update will happen sometime down the road.. maybe summer.. :confused:

    MacBooks just got updated last november.. internals stay the same.. some cosmetic changes will happen otherwise it will look radically out of the Apple 2008 line..

    MacBook Pros will definitely get a facelift.. Aluminum is definitely in along with the new keyboard.. but that's stuff we all know.. i don't have solid details on the pro line but its definitely slimmer with major black infusions.. (iMac)

    it will basically be the big brother of MacBook Lite.. :)

    ooops.. did i just spill something? something is definitely up in the air..

    high top fade. high-top fade to twists,
  • high-top fade to twists,

  • MattInOz
    Sep 28, 08:53 PM
    So are there enough Arch's on this board to have a mock up competition?

    I see a plan like that and I already have an idea of how I'd elevate it what materials would be used. But also how I'd expect the Architect in question to create the the Form. Then again there is Steve's influence.

    Then again there are probably 100's of ways this could look and still be in keeping with the Aesthetic and the plans. We see mock ups of every other product why not the iHouse?

    Edit: Does anyone else think that is a wood fired dome (pizza) oven standing in the door way of the butlers kitchen?

    high top fade. the high top fade,
  • the high top fade,

  • dalvin200
    Jan 12, 03:53 AM
    Damn... that pretty much sucked for the Moto presentation..
    made the company look like a fool.. :eek:

    wonder what the outcome of this will be....

    and such a small apology on the giz article...

    as for banning from macworld - well, the guy who actually pulled the trigger on the tv remote thingy should get banned for real!

    high top fade. I#39;m pretty sure the high top
  • I#39;m pretty sure the high top

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 16, 02:12 PM
    Any rumor published by DT deserves, at most, that special commemorative page with totally fake rumors that MR created some time ago...********!

    Apr 15, 06:40 PM
    This would actually look nice, if it was curved. Not in an ugly box/ mini MacBook form. But then again, aluminum does screw up the 3G frequency. Unless it was a better type of aluminum, or mate type of cover. & slimmer (:

    :apple: iPhone HDS, this Summer of 2010.

    Apr 9, 06:11 PM
    A lot of the 'rumours' you posted are nonsense. Windows 8 will not and will never be unix based
    This, however I think the poster who first suggested it was joking, taking the mick out of the OP for suggesting every Windows 8 feature is a copy of a OS X feature.

    Both OS's have copied each other's features many times. It isn't just OS X that copies off Windows.

    Mr Ikasu
    Jan 11, 08:45 AM
    Here is my best guess as to how the Keynote will pan out from start to finish.

    - Straight in with iPhone (no big summary of figures "So much great stuff to show you guys" etc). Phenomenal success etc. Today bumping it to 16GB and introducing new firmware which provides all the rumored features. Introduce some iPhone apps for sale on iTunes and release SDK details so everyone else can do the same soon.

    - Laptops are growing in market share. We have the best on the market, selling really well etc. Now making them even better. MacBook Pro, new black/carbon fibre/obscure metal enclosure. Using the now standard Apple keyboard design. Using new chipset but otherwise the same on 15" and 17" inch. Then move on: "much demand for a replacement for PB 12". Today we have it. Smallest lightest laptop we have ever made etc." 13" but super thin, no optical and upgradable 32GB SSD. The ultraportable will be part of the MBP lineup. And cost maybe $1699 in base spec.

    - iTunes, a few quick figures. Then in with film rentals. "People only want to watch a movie once". Announce partners. "How do you watch it?". Updated Apple TV. Cheaper. No Blu-Ray. That would increase the cost alot and reduce the need to download the films off Apple in the first place.

    - One More Thing (definitely not the subnotebook, he knows it wouldn't surprise anyone so it will be earlier) Mac Mini becomes same form factor as Apple TV (ie, wider) but a bit taller. Uses 3.5" drives and has more RAM slots. Not a full blown tower though. Back to $499 price point Mac Mini was originally introduced at.

    I want to think they have something more cutting edge lined up but right now I can't think what it could be. I'm willing to be surprised though.

    Apr 26, 08:43 PM
    I want to tell one timer to start and if I press cancel, invalidate it. Then If I press start again, call the second timer. (I do this because I read that you can't reuse a timer after you invalidate it).

    You don't need to do this. You can use the same NSTimer * pointer multiple times, you will just need to assign a new NSTimer object to it after you invalidated your first NSTimer object (or 2nd, or 3rd, etc..).

    Basically, you only need 1 NSTimer object pointer, setup as an instance variable and your various IBActions :

    (now, sorry for any syntax/compile error, I'm not opening Xcode here, just typing it out)

    @interface ATimerViewController: UIViewController {

    Apr 16, 07:48 AM
    Good ideas never die, they just get pulled from OS releases.



    Indeed, not bashing MS, but they completely over promised "longhorn" and under-delivered when Vista was released. I think they learned their lesson and provide features that can actually be added in the time frame.

    With the latest two releases (SL & Lion) apple isn't really promising too many features so it would be very disappointing to get one pulled.

    As for the list, it looks very encouraging and exciting. win8 is still a ways off, but I hope to get a beta when its available.

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