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  • retso
    09-07 04:03 AM
    My lawyer had applied on August 25th for the LCA. We got to know on September 3rd that there was an issue with the FEIN. We emailed the required documents to DOL on September 4th.
    My H1 expires on September 30th and consequently my I94 on October 10th, so i'm a bit concerened.
    I will post an update when I hear something from DOL.

    Just want to confirm that I have till October 10th to get my petition to USCIS. Anyone?
    Also, do i have to leave the country by October 10th if I can't get the LCA issue fixed/ petition mailed?

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  • IN2US
    07-27 12:16 PM
    Congratulations :)

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  • saketkapur
    03-24 03:38 PM
    She will need to complete a 3 year waiver in medically underserved area or a 2 year home return before you can file for her adjustment of status(I-485).
    We had faced a similar situation 3 years back and decided to go ahead with it since looking at the backlogs I am assuming with my PD of 2007 I am still way off from getting my GC.
    So now my wife is completing her residency in June this year and has a waiver job lined up. Once/ If dates become current I will file for her I-485 after the waiver is complete.
    If you need details then PM me.
    Everyone has their own priorities and their own way of dealing with the situations.

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  • f_b_2007
    07-19 12:38 PM
    Btw, NBC might not do anything with it at all, but NSC on the other hand might..

    PS: I know its a typo, so just kidding here..

    Oops! ;-) yeah... dont think NBC will care much about my EAD :D

    And yes.. i want to get EAD asap! ... I read it starts counting from the moment it gets to NSC.. but different versions abound..



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  • kaisersose
    05-29 11:57 AM
    Thanks for your response kaisersose.
    I understand I can switch jobs with my EAD.

    I want to switch from EB3 category to EB2 since I will be current under EB2 with my PD of July 2003. What is the process I have to follow to make this switch?

    KC INdian

    Three steps,

    1. Your employer or a future employer should file a new Labor for a job that has EB2 requirements and you should be eligible under these requirements.

    2. Then apply for an EB-2 140 for this approved Labor by using PD substitution (from your earlier 140). This 140 will be approved under EB-2 and will have your earlier PD.

    3. Now you can replace the underlying 140 of your 485 application with the newer one and you will be all set.

    Easier said that done though...as PERM in Atlanta is taking a long time and 140 is taking a long time too without Premium processing.

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  • anilsal
    11-07 09:27 PM

    IL Meet and Greet.


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  • spicy_guy
    09-08 05:44 PM
    Hi all,
    I know the Forums are still pretty active but is the IV Organisation itself still active?

    I came across the IV website yesterday and was really stuck by the mission statement of the Organisation. I did not think twice - went ahead and got registered and made one time donation. I even voted for one of the polls for Sep 18 rally and making plans to visit DC but only to realise today that it was really old one :) Also when I was reviewing the forums today I realised that most of the activities seem to be around years 2006-2007 - like Fundraising Campaign or Media News ,etc.

    Appreciate anyones response to let me know if IC is still active. Please do not direct any personal attacks. I did not need to explore GC info so far since my GC was started only during March of 2010 & got my Lc approved only yesterday.

    If the organisation is still active, I am looking forward to joing the CT chapter. Thanks!

    It IS active.
    Welcome and good luck!

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  • Saralayar
    07-08 07:09 PM
    Depends on what you are looking for and what your priorities are:

    1) Ask what work you will get? Ask to speak with the team members of the team you will work with and get your role clarified.

    2) compensation. How much $$$$ they are paying more wrt current position or wrt other offers you may have in recent future.

    3) As someone said correctly, get to know the work culture and the team make sure you don't end up being chained to work.

    The advantage is that you can rise quickly (not much competition) & stable job.

    So see whats important for you.
    Guys, this forum is not the place to discuss about individual companies. If you have any questions related to immigration to US, you can start a thread for it.
    Administrator, please delete this thread.


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  • mhtanim
    10-28 03:29 PM
    You should apply for a SSN. If you find a job, the employer will ask you to fill-up a W4 Form. To set you up in company payroll, SSN would be a requirement.

    Also, as some other people have mentioned, even if you don't plan to work, you should still get a SSN to establish your credit history.

    Applying for a SSN and getting it and has NO impact on your immigration status.

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-12 07:30 AM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:

    https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMwoC47b89zLfdPuFOKaEifMNxHRGYDEVUR85D9LSRwSJlv2F-uZngunce4mJWl6bSSsFVCrpg1XJRYCdapbBaUj-Bcc23QF_G12YLJ1LLmg33bhIO834I8QGznQE8ovNJBbnnunUSpuA/s320/2010-01-01+ICE+detention+2.jpg (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMwoC47b89zLfdPuFOKaEifMNxHRGYDEVUR85D9LSRwSJlv2F-uZngunce4mJWl6bSSsFVCrpg1XJRYCdapbBaUj-Bcc23QF_G12YLJ1LLmg33bhIO834I8QGznQE8ovNJBbnnunUSpuA/s1600-h/2010-01-01+ICE+detention+2.jpg)All Americans should be outraged by the Sunday New York Times report about how ICE officials schemed to cover up the deaths of detainees in detention. http://bit.ly/6p2xlX. The online edition includes a link to a horrifying video of an ICE detainee, Mr. Boubacar Bah, who, after mysteriously suffering a skull fracture, was handcuffed while writhing in agony on the floor in his own vomit, then locked-up in an isolation cell for 13 hours without medical treatment and, finally, transported to a hospital in a coma where he later died.

    It would be one thing if death in ICE detention was a rare occurrence. But, unfortunately, it's all too common. In a related article, also published Sunday, the Times reports about other ICE detainee deaths which were the result of substandard medical care and abuse. http://bit.ly/6gJlXu.

    As I sat down to write this blog, I hoped to pen a stinging piece expressing my anger and calling for a full overhaul of ICE's detention system, not just more press releases and empty promises. But the New York Times articles speak for themselves �107 people have died in ICE custody since 2003 (not counting the immigrants who were released shortly before death so they wouldn't be added to the tally). Added to my anger is the revulsion that I feel toward an agency that is not only incompetent to care for those it locks up, but whose bureaucrats conspire to avoid paying detainees' medical bills and hide from bad publicity, rather than attend to immigrants in their custody. It seems not one of the faceless ICE bureaucrats is ever called to answer for his or her transgressions. Indeed, participating in the abuse and neglect of ICE detainees may have resume value. Just ask Nina Dozoretz, who was the longtime manager of ICE's Division of Immigration Health Services and Vice President of the Nakamoto Group, a company that, according to the Times, was hired by the Bush administration to monitor ICE detention. Dozoretz reportedly participated in the ICE conference calls where officials debated ways to avoid paying for Boubacar Bah's medical care, and came up with a scheme to shift the costs to his indigent relatives before he died. Shockingly, she was recently hired by the Obama administration to overhaul the ICE detainee healthcare system (I guess I won't hold my breath waiting for positive change I can believe in as it relates to ICE health care).

    The abuse is not limited to ICE detainees who are unfortunate enough to become ill or injured while in custody. Last month Chris Crane, Vice President of the Detention and Removal Operations of the union representing approximately 7,200 ICE employees who work in detention and removal operations, testified before the U.S. Congress. He described the abuse faced by immigrants detained at facilities run by private contractors and seriously questioned ICE's will to investigate and police the system.

    I have been told that some contract workers in certain facilities have allegedly engaged in consensual sexual misconduct with detainees and it has also been alleged that there have been instances in which contract guards have raped female detainees. It is also alleged that contractors are smuggling contraband into the detention facilities. In areas near the southern border of the United States where contract workers also assist with the transportation of detainees, it has been alleged that contract guards have been involved in, and arrested for, smuggling foreign nationals into the United States. If any of these allegations are true, it certainly begs the question, "what is ICE doing to stop these problems?" As one veteran ICE officer stated to me last week, during a conversation regarding contract guards smuggling contraband into detention facilities in his area, "ICE managers are well aware of the problems in the contract facilities, but don't seem interested in doing anything about it." While this statement may surprise many in the American public, it would not surprise ICE employees who are well aware of problems within ICE management and the unethical manner in which ICE internal investigations are conducted.

    Frankly, I have read enough articles about abuse and death in ICE detention. There can be no doubt that the system is corrupt to its core. Can you imagine if, instead, the Times had reported that an American had died in Iranian, North Korean, Cuban, or Syrian custody under similar circumstances? We would all be incensed. The Administration would call for heads to roll, impassioned speeches would thunder on the floor of Congress, and the blogs and media pundits would rage. But the cruelty described by the Times is homegrown. It is endemic to the ICE detention system and will continue unless something is done to stop it.

    Several months ago homeland security secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE assistant secretary John Morton announced a review of the ICE detention operations with the stated goal of creating a "truly civil" detention system. In light of what we now know, that effort is too little, too late. The ICE detention system is a national disgrace, requiring President Obama to take immediate steps to protect the constitutional, civil, and human rights of ICE detainees, including,

    Suspending ICE's detention authority by placing it in receivership with the Department of Justice pending a full investigation of the abuse and deaths in detention;
    Ordering a top to bottom review of ICE, in particular its detention and removal operations, with the goal of overhauling the agency so that the human rights of ICE detainees will be respected and the rule of law enforced; and
    Ordering the Department of Justice to commence appropriate civil and criminal investigations of all deaths in ICE detention and pursue all appropriate civil and criminal remedies.
    We owe it to the families of the 107 people who died in ICE custody to see to it that the abuse, neglect, and deaths are stopped once and for all. Maybe then they will be able to take comfort in the fact that their loved ones did not die in vain.


    More... (http://ailaleadership.blogspot.com/2010/01/secret-horror-stories-death-and-abuse.html)


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  • snathan
    05-24 04:01 PM
    Please work with hellomms and provide all the information to him to proceed further.

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  • phillyag
    01-22 10:16 PM
    DO we guys have a plan, a project ?
    How we want to approach these critical subjects ?
    How are we using the funds ???
    The reason why I am not contributing is I dont know where the money will go or is goin right now ????


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  • mgarvey
    08-07 02:17 PM
    Thanks each and everyone in the forum, you guys so great

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  • amit1234
    08-26 03:58 PM

    I looking for porting my approved EB3 labor and 140 to EB2. Here are my details:

    My qualification: Diploma in electronics and communication Engg in India
    (3 years diploma after 10th)

    Years of experience: Since 1991 in IT (About 20 YRs)

    Green card process: EB3 Approved labor and 140.

    Situation: When I contacted one of the university in USA they informed me that I can
    do the Masters instead of BS online degree.

    My question1: Will I be eligible to file my EB2 if I do Masters without doing BS?

    My question 2: Is MS from International Technological University (http://www.ITU.EDU) is accepted bu USCIS for Immigration purpose?

    Thanks in advance


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  • sr123
    12-18 05:06 PM
    I have got Jury summons many times. I just told them I am not eligible. Please note that you need to respond to the summon in time otherwise the court might inititiate action against you. The notice I got listed a few possible reasons why you cannot perform jury duty and not being a citizen was one of them. I selected it and enclosed a copy of my passport to indicate that I am not a US citizen.

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  • aj1234567
    01-22 10:41 PM
    My 140 was filed on NSC on july middle,,recently i have 4 soft luds what this mean.


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  • pkjena
    10-17 07:44 PM
    I am one of the July 2 filers. I need to go to India on 1st November. I was hoping that AP will come by that time. But there has been no progress on that. Just spoke to my Attorney. She said that USCIS does not have any facility to issue AP for an emergency.
    Then I called USCIS. I was told the same thing. The Customer Service representative said - I should go wherever I need to go. On arrival contact the local US Embassy and tell them that you need AP to travel back. They will "guide you".
    On this forum I have read about INFOPASS many times. I was hoping to use that facility if I did not get AP in time. I am trying to find out if anybody actually used INFOPASS to meet a local Immigration Officer and got AP on an emergency basis.
    No theoretical guesses please.

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  • mdmd10
    08-27 05:03 PM
    thanks for you understanding....i don't want her processing to be closed. if we're divorces can her processing still be on?

    I believe the answer to that would be a 'No'.

    If your spouse is claiming AOS benefits as a derivative by virtue of being your spouse then that would be the legal claim for those benefits.

    However, the divorce would suppress that legal claim and as such there would be no way for the spouse to apply for those benefits as a derivative.

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  • cr52401
    08-27 02:22 PM
    My lawyer filed my Labor certification stating that the job requires 'BS degree in CS'. My labor got approved last month.

    I hold a MS degree in CS and BS degree in Industrial Engg.

    Now while I am about to file for I-140, I am getting information from various sources that my bachelor's degree has to be in CS, irrespective of holding a master's degree in CS.

    Has anyone faced similar situation? How can I resolve this issue?
    Please help as I almost spent 4 years in LC backlog queue!!!!!!!!

    I guess you filed EB3. I was in same situation with BS and MS in Industrial engineering. my I-140 got approved a year ago without any problem. I am waiting for visa number ROW Oct2003. What is your PD?

    09-10 08:12 AM
    My apologies for re-posting...
    but looks like we are all late... in the GC waiting game:rolleyes:
    Hard to remain hopeful

    09-11 01:40 PM
    gc_check and a_yaja - I really appreciate your feedback and thank you.

    I was thinking that I can get the F1 > Opt > H1 > File 485 thru EB2 Since my spouse's 485 is stuck in mud with priority dated 2003 EB3 category. So, I was wondering that can I have file my own 485 EB2 parallel to my spouse EB3. I would really appreciate if you could provide guidence or alternative approach. Once again, thank you for your thoughts.


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